We got our tortoise home from Arizona!

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5 Year Member
Jun 4, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Southeast Arizona
Hi and welcome to TFO, what an interesting story! A little scary, I am afraid to even bring tweezers on a plane, lol! I am so glad it worked out for you! I have a baby sulcata also, he is so awesome and fun. I learned everything from this forum, people are very helpful and we love pics :D

Maggie Cummings

I love somebody with enough guts to smuggle anything. Welcome to TFO...Your baby is sleeping a lot because he is a...BABY! Babies sleep a lot. He should have a time when he is awake and active but he will mostly sleep. I lost 1 tort and another was blinded because of the coil bulb so please don't think Tom was exaggerating...
You skimmed over it but it kinda sounds like your diet needs changed. They need a varied diet so please read the link and see how you can make his diet batter...



5 Year Member
Apr 25, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
San Tan Valley, Arizona
(No offense aimed at LivingFree with this...)

WTF?! Out of Africa is SELLING SULCATA HATCHLINGS?! What kind of irresponsible idiots would do something like that? Here kiddies, on the way through the gift shop, why don't you hound your parents mercilessly for a teeny tiny widdle baby turtle. It's only 110 degrees today so I'm sure that your parents wont be in such a hurry to get to the air-conditioning that they throughly think through the husbandry involved. And while you're at it, I have some baby javalinas and rhinos you could pick from too.

That is just FLIPPING ridiculous, disgraceful and shady.
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