what tort to get?

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New Member
5 Year Member
Jul 27, 2010
hi all! Ok, i have a 3 yr old hermanns that ive had 2 yrs, and i now feel ready, and educated enough to get my next tort. Only problem is i dont know what species to go for? i live in portugal so the summers get incredibly hot, but the winters still get fairly chilly, though we rarely get frost. Ive got a large garden, so space isnt an issue. Ive been looking at salcutas but the fact they dig 'trenches' puts me off a little. leopards seem like a nice option? But require heating in winter as they dont hibernate? I dont know what to do??? Any opinion on a tortoise that suits my needs? Other than my hermans, which is a mediteranean tort, and although portugal isnt in the med, you cant really get much closer! Cheers, daz x


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5 Year Member
May 28, 2010
the_amazing_red said:
hi all! Ok, i have a 3 yr old hermanns that ive had 2 yrs, and i now feel ready, and educated enough to get my next tort. Only problem is i dont know what species to go for? i live in portugal so the summers get incredibly hot, but the winters still get fairly chilly, though we rarely get frost. Ive got a large garden, so space isnt an issue. Ive been looking at salcutas but the fact they dig 'trenches' puts me off a little. leopards seem like a nice option? But require heating in winter as they dont hibernate? I dont know what to do??? Any opinion on a tortoise that suits my needs? Other than my hermans, which is a mediteranean tort, and although portugal isnt in the med, you cant really get much closer! Cheers, daz x

i would balance your desire for a certain species with what you are prepared for in terms of capabilities of care and the environment you can provide. i think when you consider those factors that will automatically narrow down your selection to what will work best for you and the tort.

just make a list of the tortoises you're really interested in along with their basic needs and then cross examine that list with with your current situation and what all you can provide or can fulfill regarding those specific needs.

no one else knows your situation or can gauge your desires better than you so it's tough to advise in that aspect.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jun 13, 2010
Greek torts are great little guys to have around. or maybe a Madagascar Flat Shelled Spider Tortoise (Pyxis planicauda). haha just joking, as cool as this turtle is and how it will be able to withstand the hot summers, and at least down to 45-50 degrees, they are still rare and expensive. but always an option... or maybe Forstens Tortoise (Indotestudo forsteni), they are a great starter tortoise. but at the end of the day a leopard is always cool, and easy to find a good breeder...
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