Wheezing :(

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5 Year Member
Mar 28, 2012
So if anyone read my earlier post about rescuing the two red foots from the pet store, they were not in good shape. I noticed they were in a VERY dry enclosure at the store. I asked the owner at the store, as I noticed their eyes were a little runny. He told me red foots eyes are runnier than other tortoises...
Anyway, I did take them out of the cage at the store, but only for a minute or so and the store is pretty loud with all the birds. The drive home is only about 10 minutes. When I took them out of the box at home, I noticed the wheezing right away :(
They are still wheezing today and have the watery eyes. There is no runny nose and they have a big appetite. In fact, they ate the minute I put food in front of their face when I brought them home.
Could it just be they were kept WAY too dry at the pet store? Their substrate was only ReptiBark and it didn't even look wet.
Right now, their temp in the coolest part is right above 80 degrees and the humidity is around 70. I am still trying to increase it. I did find some aloe plants to add today also.
Thanks so much for all the help!


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10 Year Member!
Mar 2, 2012
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Tropical South Texas
Temps are pretty good. Keep that consisitent. The thing with red foots is they will wheez pretty loud when they breathe. All my red foots wheeze when they breath. If you notice that they have no puffy eyes, no loss in appetite, no lethargy, and are eating drinking, walking, and being good ol normal torts then your good. The weeping of the eyes is from being kept way too dry. That issue should subside with the humidity you have them in. Lets see some photos of these guys now :D


5 Year Member
Mar 28, 2012
There is obviously some pyramiding too :( I put cuttle bone in the cage this morning, as well as some powered calcium in a dish. They were munching on it before they decided to get it all dirty. Those torts have a knack for getting their food and water dirty as soon as I put it in there! They also decided to be a little camera shy once I started taking pictures.

Thanks again for all the help!
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5 Year Member
Mar 4, 2011
Well; at least with our redfoots (we have 8) - they have all wheezed at some point - but it is always down to hydration.

Usually just keeping their enclosure humid (90%+) is enough - if we get audible whistles then we put them in 'baby bath' temperature water for 10 minutes. Initially the wheezing gets worse (breathing harder) - but once you take them out - the wheezing is usually largely gone. We repeat once a day until it is.


5 Year Member
Mar 28, 2012
Thanks for all of the help! I have been keeping the door to the room closed and when I open it, it feels like a sauna! I noticed the wheezing is not as prominent, but it is still there. My humidity is not quite where it should be yet. I am going to look into getting something to mist their enclosure. I try to do it myself, but after awhile of misting, it starts to hurt your hand! My only concern is hurting the lights and the CHE's. Those are currently not enclosed in any sort of lighting fixture. Has anyone had trouble with lights and misting? Thanks again!
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