Wheezy Penny

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5 Year Member
Aug 31, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Sammamish, WA
Penny's breathing looks labored, and is breathing through her mouth off and on, and seems to have sneezed a couple times.

I gave her a warm bath and she blew her nose and dropped a solid little tortie turd, so at least her GI tract is okay.

...I can hear her, now, blowing snot bubbles every so often.
We've turned the heat up in the apt, and I may get a hotter infrared bulb tomorrow.

I called her vet and left a voicemail; this seems like more than just the sniffles to me. :(
am I being a paranoid mommy?
between these snot bubbles and her throwing up a couple days ago, it's hard not to not freak out...
I promised myself "no more babies!" but the minute I met her, I knew she was my baby... :c

It seems like a case for an antibiotic shot... and a new thermometer!


The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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Open mouth breathing is a advanced sign of RI, keep her warm until you can see the vet.


5 Year Member
Aug 31, 2010
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Sammamish, WA
i turned her main lamp on; looks like her hot side was down to 90F.

i guess good things can come from staying up late-- like seeing the temp after just 4 hrs!


New Member
5 Year Member
Oct 29, 2010
vomiting is a very serious symptom i suggest a vet visit asap if not sooner

Maggie Cummings

Sounds like a serious URTI to me, she needs a Vet tomorrow...


5 Year Member
Aug 31, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Sammamish, WA
Penny is heading to the vet, now.
It's an emergency Exotic vet-- the one in Bothell from our list.
I'll let you guys know how they are, when we get back.

Since she refuses to let anything non-nummy into her mouth, and it's a serious case, I'm guessing she's gonna get a shot.
Fingers crossed for minimal stress on the way there-- petting her shell the whole way will probably help.
When she's restless and fussy, that always calms her down (she'll fall asleep in your hand, if you pet her long enough).

Thanks for the well wishes, and confirmation of my suspicions (and panic).


5 Year Member
Aug 31, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Sammamish, WA

Meant to post about 6 hours ago... actually, I almost did, but my iPod died just as I was about to hit post. =_=

So! Avian and Exotic Animal Hospital was awesome!
Knowledgeable, friendly, and lifelong herp lovers. :)
They were happy to talk about the nutritional content of a variety of foods, and were even open to discussing pyramiding and how it might not be entirely diet based. :p

Penny is stubborn as heck, and it took them *two hours* to get a saliva sample.
Eventually they squirted a little water in her nose and got the sample when it ran out her mouth. She was deeply offended, but otherwise fine.

Her x-rays revealed that Penny has pneumonia, and is a little light on the bone density.

Basically, I'm offering too many nutritious foods, and need to cut back and offer more hay and lettuce. sigh.
Her muscle is *great*, as is her appetite.

Our new vet (since the last one had enthusiasm but no knowledge) suggested Mazuri, to help get Penny eating more roughage. ;)
I plan to mix it with her hay mash to keep her from getting hooked on sweets.

She'll be allowed to have her squash about once a month.

I've been given a calcium supplement that is very easy to absorb (just squirt it on her noms), as well as an injectable antibiotic that we'll be giving her for 9 more days (got her first shot at the vet's office).

I was told to dry out her tank, and get the humidity down, at least while we're clearing her lungs.
Daily soaks and spritzing are still fine, but we want her to be breathing dryer air while she's fighting these buggies. I may soak her twice a day, to make sure she stays nice and hydrated.

I'm going to buy a hotter infrared bulb, to keep the temp up during these cold months (we've been cranking up the heat in the apt, to try to compensate, but a new bulb is much more to the point... and cheaper). Also a new thermometer. A very accurate, digital one, rather than the PetCo brand. :s

Her tank just got way too cold, at night, and I think that's what got her so sick; cold damp nights. :(

On a lighter note:
It occurred to me that we chelonian keepers really do make better investments in terms of pet years.
Someone might drop several grand to give their dog or cat a few more years, while we drop a few hundred and give our tortoises (potentially) a couple hundred years!
And turtles get several decades more, even in mid-life!

Penny seems to be improving somewhat, from the dryer air, as I haven't heard a cough in several hours. She raced around the tank when we got home, and was really glad (?) to see Boots come to her glass. (she seems to like that cat as much as he likes her!)

Anyway. I'm feeling a little better, and have been told that I'm a pretty darn good tortie mama. <3
I think I'll be able to get some real sleep tonight :)

Any additional advice will be appreciated and welcome!


5 Year Member
Aug 31, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Sammamish, WA
in awesome news: Penny has gained 9grams in the past few months, even with her sniffles (and, later, pneumonia).


5 Year Member
Aug 31, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Sammamish, WA
Torty Mom said:
Glad to hear Penny is doing so much better!! Good job on being such a good tortie momma!!

aw, thanks!
She just got her first at-home shot.
Had to administer it in her forearm, since there was NOOOO way she was letting us get a leg, this time!

Even once you get the needle between the scales, their skin is *tough*!!!

she eventually forgave me, and is now nomming away, cheerfully.
no sneezes, tonight! :D

oh, and we got the new lamp and thermometers.
the thermometers are *awesome* and the bulb... might be too strong. :s


5 Year Member
Aug 31, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Sammamish, WA
Torty Mom said:
You are a better woman than I. I do not think I could give my babies a shot. I would have to call Lisa my neighbor....

perhaps I can credit my years of sewing and wielding #10 quilting needles. ;)


New Member
5 Year Member
Mar 15, 2010
good job!!! glad to hear things are looking up, i was pretty worried when i read the throwing up part. yay penny!


5 Year Member
Aug 31, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Sammamish, WA
Penny got her third shot, today, and I think I put it in the same spot as yesterday, since she was pretty upset. :s

She actually ate some hay mash with her mustard greens, today, and seems to be spending much of her time growing in her sleep.

(When I take a felting break, I'll snap and upload a photo or two-- I'm hoping she might turn out like Esmerelda! ;) and her emerging pattern is giving me reason to be optimistic)

i make and sell miniature teddy bears and needle-felted critters. :)
I've done some quilting and would love to make tortoise themed quilts, someday!

in the mean time, I'm working on felted tortoises-- I'll let you guys know when my store is open and ready for display. :D
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