When do shells harden?


Active Member
Apr 3, 2017
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Detroit, MI, USA

I am curious on when young redfoots shells begin to harden? My Loretta is about 8 months now and her shell still gives, especially on the bottom. I contacted the breeder who suggested she is not getting enough vitamin D and to take her uv light to a 10.0.

I am also worried about a small, white dot she has recently developed on her under part. Our family went on vacation for a few weeks and had a friend take care of her. She was concerned about the humidity level and I'm worried she had her habitat too damp.

Does anyone have any insight to when her shell will harden, if she is developing shell rot, and if I should take her uv up to a 10?

Thank you in advance!


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Yvonne G

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Yup. . . the beginnings of shell rot. Just scrub it lightly with a toothbrush, dry it and apply athlete's foot cream. Doing this daily, you should see improvement in a week or so.

Baby tortoises are somewhat pliable for their first year. A few minutes (15 or so) daily outside in real sunshine, and calcium-rich foods will help.


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I am curious on when young redfoots shells begin to harden? My Loretta is about 8 months now and her shell still gives, especially on the bottom. I contacted the breeder who suggested she is not getting enough vitamin D and to take her uv light to a 10.0.

I am also worried about a small, white dot she has recently developed on her under part. Our family went on vacation for a few weeks and had a friend take care of her. She was concerned about the humidity level and I'm worried she had her habitat too damp.

Does anyone have any insight to when her shell will harden, if she is developing shell rot, and if I should take her uv up to a 10?

Thank you in advance!


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Yvonne said it all. How long have you had this tort for. There doesn't look to be much growth for an 8 month old. How accurate is the said 8 months old? Look gorgeous btw.


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Apr 3, 2017
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Detroit, MI, USA
@Anyfoot @Yvonne G I got her in mid April. I was told she was a "well started" 6 month old, so really, I guess that means she's probably 9 months old now? To be completely honest, I have been concerned with her from the beginning. It was very difficult to get her to eat in the beginning. Some days she still doesn't eat. She sleeps a lot (she's a baby still, I know they do that, but...) as well. I do take her outside for 3-4 hours at a time 5x a week. I took her to the vet shortly before our trip and he said she seemed great. Part of me thinks I'm being paranoid, another part things there is an issue. I can post pictures of her "growing" stage if that would help? Any thoughts on taking her up to a 10?


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@Anyfoot @Yvonne G I got her in mid April. I was told she was a "well started" 6 month old, so really, I guess that means she's probably 9 months old now? To be completely honest, I have been concerned with her from the beginning. It was very difficult to get her to eat in the beginning. Some days she still doesn't eat. She sleeps a lot (she's a baby still, I know they do that, but...) as well. I do take her outside for 3-4 hours at a time 5x a week. I took her to the vet shortly before our trip and he said she seemed great. Part of me thinks I'm being paranoid, another part things there is an issue. I can post pictures of her "growing" stage if that would help? Any thoughts on taking her up to a 10?
A 5 set at the right height should be good enough. If your tort spends that much time outside I'm assuming you live in a hot climate.
What is the weight of your tort now and what weight was he when you got him at 6 months old.


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Apr 3, 2017
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Detroit, MI, USA
A 5 set at the right height should be good enough. If your tort spends that much time outside I'm assuming you live in a hot climate.
What is the weight of your tort now and what weight was he when you got him at 6 months old.
@Anyfoot I live in Detroit so it is nice and warm currently, and I do not bring her out if it is under 80 degrees. I have her indoor habitat substrate angled but the lowest portion is about 18" from the UV so that should be good right? I just don't want to put anything too high on her and have her hide even more. I do not know how much she weighed when I got her. When she went to the vet she weighed 1 ounce.


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@Anyfoot I live in Detroit so it is nice and warm currently, and I do not bring her out if it is under 80 degrees. I have her indoor habitat substrate angled but the lowest portion is about 18" from the UV so that should be good right? I just don't want to put anything too high on her and have her hide even more. I do not know how much she weighed when I got her. When she went to the vet she weighed 1 ounce.
@Anyfoot I live in Detroit so it is nice and warm currently, and I do not bring her out if it is under 80 degrees. I have her indoor habitat substrate angled but the lowest portion is about 18" from the UV so that should be good right? I just don't want to put anything too high on her and have her hide even more. I do not know how much she weighed when I got her. When she went to the vet she weighed 1 ounce.
When did you take her to the vets. 1 ounce is 28g. Mine hatch out at around 22g and some at 32g.
Can we see your indoor enclosure please.


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Apr 3, 2017
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Detroit, MI, USA
@Anyfoot please see photos of her current indoor habitat. I am very troubled by her weight now. Going to buy a scale. She was at the vet 3-4 weeks ago.


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@Anyfoot please see photos of her current indoor habitat. I am very troubled by her weight now. Going to buy a scale. She was at the vet 3-4 weeks ago.
Enclosure looks good. Looking at your tort I would say it's a lot more than 28g. Let us know when you've weighed him please.
Are you soaking your tortoise?


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Apr 3, 2017
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I soak her first thing in the morning for 15 mins. Mist her twice a day after that. She has stopped going the bathroom in her water though. It used to happen every soak. Is that normal? Sometimes I find it in her moss where she sleeps, but a lot of time I think where are you going the bathroom?!


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Yeah, they poop virtually every soak.
Is she active and eating?
What's the diet you are feeding?
My 5.0 uvb striplight is set about 10" above my torts carapace and over the feeding area.


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Apr 3, 2017
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Detroit, MI, USA
@Anyfoot something is wrong with her! She has never been very active since we got her. I feed her a variety of the following:

Day 1: mixed greens and weeds with fruit (mango, apple, blackberries, papaya, etc) topped with calcium powder

Day 2: mixed greens and weeds with veggies (squash, zucchini, peppers, maybe a carrot)

Day 3: mixed greens and weeds with mazuri (sp?)

Day 4: mixed greens with fruit, calcium

Day 5: mixed greens with veggies

Day 6: mixed greens with mazuri

Day 7: mixed greens with protein (which I'm having a hard time figuring out what she likes- I've tried worms, wax worms, eggs).

I think I'm going to get a 10.0 while I'm out.


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Apr 3, 2017
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@Anyfoot I have ceramic heaters in the lamps- 100 watt each that are on timers. The humidity is 76% and heat is 83. Humidity normally is 80%. Do you think I should get a 10.0 while I'm out or add more substrate to get it higher to the UVB?


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45g is small for a 9 month old. All you can do is care for her and see how it goes. Is your CHE,s on a timer or thermostat.
I'd double check all your settings.
If your keeping your uvb tube high up, change to a 10.0.
Check that you have 88/80f throughout the enclosure and humidity around 80%. On three of the days only feed weeds and greens.

Is she eating the weeds or just gobbling all the fruit up. If your struggling with protein day give her a few pieces of low fat cat meat that has D3 in the ingredients. Personally I would stop taking her outside as much until you see an improvement with growth.

@Baoh any advice for the op please.


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Apr 3, 2017
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Detroit, MI, USA
@Anyfoot thank you for all of your advice. I rearranged somethings and got her a 10.0. She does love fruit so I will watch that intake more closely. I also got freeze dried shrimp yesterday so we shall see. ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1502884088.244253.jpgImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1502884102.914647.jpg

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