

Active Member
Nov 29, 2023
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Hello all! I'm writing because I took xrays both of my tortoises again after 6 months! Danny still has rocks inside him and the one is a little bit big! They both eat especially Danny eats a lot! They poop normally! In March as I said I gave them the treatment with flagil as my vet told me! I see Danny that he can lift his body again! Also i weighted them Yesterday and after one month and a half they lost 8 grams both of them! They always gain weight! I don't know if it is from the exercise because this month I gave them a lot it or its because they haven't cleaned from parasites! I wake them up in morning and i go at park! I don't know if i gibe them stress with these movements! I contacted with my vet and she told me the check up again for feces is every 6 months! So that means in September!

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