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Tom, you have helped me so much in the last 10 years and I just wanted to say THANKS! People always chuckle when I tell them that I learned all about caring for Samson from Tom The Dog Trainer, also from this forum. So thanks again and have a wonderful New Year!
Thank you. My hope is that Samson is happy, healthy, and living a great tortoise life due to your efforts to house and care for him well. You had to do all the work. I just "led you to the water", so to speak.
Sorry, only just seen this. Thanks, looks interesting. As per update on the forum post, got the vivarium now (at reasonable price), just got a few things to resolve before moving her across.
That's great 👍
Morning Mark, just asking some advice if thats ok, unfortunately i'm not able to purchase a uv meter at the moment, but when do you suggest changing the bulb on my T5 unit? it's been in use now for approx 1 year and i'm worried my tort isn't getting enough uv, it's winter here in the uk so we have no natural sunshine.
kind regards
I personally believe tortoises need quite little UVB as far as direct exposure. I'm sure your tortoise is fine. Will - Kapidolo Farms - raises all his with no UVB at all - just dietary vit D. A 6% bulb at 20" is probably giving a 1.5 UVI reading. That would be plenty for 12 hours a day as you have been doing.
Mark thankyou, I have been beside myself with worry thinking I’ve done some damage to my torts health, I have a new bulb arriving Friday, but I’ve been feeling terrible.
No UV is very very important I can't stress enough on that now that I have a higher percentage of UV now that have access to. However my tortoise eats every day now before he wasn't eating at all I have a lot of vet bills from him because of the UV light not being right so please believe me light is very important
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I just found my six year old Sulcata sitting in her favorite outdoor hole halfway submerged in cold rain water. I carried her to her warmed enclosure and added fresh hay around her. Her brother was tucked up warm in his. She’s never done that before. I’m worried enough to post about it, but feel like once she’s warm she’ll be okay. Has anyone else ever had that happen?
You are posting this info under your profile post instead of creating a new thread. Thats why no one is replying to your posts.
Lyn W
Lyn W
If you post on the main forum you'll get more responses. Please also read the caresheet for sulcatas in the species section. Text count is limited here so you can't get the detailed advice you need.
While checking on our sulcata last night we found a lot of palmetto bugs in his heated house, I think there are between insulation and in the substrate. How do we get rid of them without harming our tortoise, diatomaceous earth ? Would that be safe? or just get rid of his substrate and replace it? We are using cypress mulch.
Lyn W
Lyn W
If you post on the main forum you'll get more responses. Not many members read profile posts
My sulcata is 2 years old, her eyes are suddenly red, swollen and watery this morning, what medicine do I need? Request for help
Lyn W
Lyn W
Please post on the main forum with photos of eyes and enclosure and you'll get all the help you need - not many read profile posts which is why you've not had any responses yet. It could be lamps or substrate etc causing eye problems so the more info you can give the better.