Craigslist Baby


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5 Year Member
Mar 13, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South South Texas,
I've been searching for Cherryheads, and keeping my eye on craigslist for SouthTexas. I saw this little pyramided sulcata baby a couple of weeks ago, and decided to buy him if no one else did. Yesterday we made the drive up the state,(about 2.5 hrs) and picked him up. The owner had purchased him from a local breeder, and he was hatched in August of 2016. She obviously loved him very much and had spent plenty in setting him up with two repti thurm heating pads, a Repti temp 500R thermostat, and an exo terra uvb 150 coil bulb, and exoterra 100w sun glo bulbs. Unfortunately the water bowl was one he probably had trouble getting into.image.jpg
Poor little thing reminded me of a dried bean, all shriveled up. IMG_1994.JPG
He is very unafraid of hands and leans into shell and head rubs, so I know he was well loved, and paid attention to, and the owner was rehoming him because her circumstance has changed and she can't spend time with him anymore.
As you can see, he's the same size as Sophie, (hatched in April this year) and only outweighs her by 6 g.
By comparison, Sophie has put on 7g in the 4 weeks we've had her. I've started him out with soaks and as much natural light as I can give him. I'm offering him baby cactus pads and hibiscus flowers, and musclun.
He or she is as of yet unnamed, so suggestions for that, along with any advice for this little dried flakey pinto bean would be welcomed.


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Not a good idea to put him in with yours. Besides the fact they don't do good in pairs, but a quarantine time is needed to be sure it's healthy and won't pass anything onto yours.
The coil bulb you do know not to use it right? They have been known to cause eye problems.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
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A good idea to buy him!
Mayby you saved the live of this little tort.:tort::<3:


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5 Year Member
Mar 13, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South South Texas,
They're housed in separate Rubbermaid 50 gal ag tubs. Here's hers;IMG_1997.JPGand I'll put up pics of his as soon as I have all the details finished, but here it was this morning;IMG_1996.JPG
Oops, looks like this one is Little Giant, not Rubbermaid! I should point out that the other tortoise in Sophie's tub is a plastic galopagos named George. I promise he's parasite free! I asked my hubby to swing by the vet's office for a swab kit for the new guy, and will let you guys know when I get results.
No, I'm not using the coil bulb, I use a CHE, 75 watt bulbs and natural sunlight. I only mentioned what he came with to convey how much time and effort the owner had invested.
I do kind like the name Beans, but could use more sugestions!
Thanks for the input, all!


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5 Year Member
Mar 13, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South South Texas,
Oh, sorry, I should have realized. Little Giant, eh? I'll toss that name into the debate. Right now the front runner is 'Slagathor Rumplefugly Debaucher of Chick Weed'IMG_2004.JPG