Virus supplies worldwide comparison


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I really have trouble following some of the more recent posts here and the apparent trend to discount this issue. I just this evening got a group message from a very good friend of mine that I used to do semimars and public speaking with. This is a very strong, active individual. Was one of the top female softball players in the world that did world tours and taught olympic players. Thought it may provide a needed perspective:

Good people. I wanted to tell you that Rosemary and I have tested positive for COVID-19. We believe we were infected on Friday 13. I started having serious symptoms a week ago. We were lucky enough to get tested pretty quickly, and it became official Wednesday. You should know that these symptoms are no joke. I have never been so sick in my life, and I’ve had a few tangles with other illnesses. COVID 19 is overwhelming.
I thought I was being careful. I’m not a risk-taker with my health, but I got it anyway. I am right in the middle of this thing and weeks and months ahead of almost everyone I know. I want you all to understand that it’s worse than you think. Way worse.
When you have a choice between your normal habits and what you know to be safer habits, I don’t want you to think twice. Please err on the side of health, yours and the other people’s you come into contact with. If I knew two weeks ago what I know now, I wouldn’t have left our home, for however long it takes.
I can’t do much about my situation now, I’ve got to ride this thing out and hope for the best. But there’s lots you can do. If this message can make you re-think how seriously you’re taking COVID-19, I will feel like my message is successful .....even while I’m lying here in my bed. I’m encouraging you and cheering you on to be smart, for yourself and the rest of us. I don’t want to see any more of my friends getting sick.
Rosemary S Harris symptoms are gone...thank goodness. If you see her walking our dogs, please avoid her and do not pet our dog. We are trying to stay away from them but they aren’t having it and we are worried it’s on their fur.
This will not be over by Easter. Cuomo seems to be the truth teller right now. Over 600 are waiting for tests from St. Francis. I know our city is doing all we can but please do your part. I am in awe of our first responders. Truly.
I will post again in a few days. Please don’t call us. Our phones are off. We don’t need one thing.
Please stay safe. Much love to all.

Thanks for posting. I’m guessing those folks live in NY area given refs to Cuomo.


10 Year Member!
Jun 22, 2011
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West Virginia
I think he was referring to be called the respectful term, 'sir.' Maybe didn't feel worthy of that respect??? At least that's how I read it.
Thank you Yvonne. Yes that's how I meant it. When someone calls me Sir I find myself looking around to see who they're talking to. I guess I don't feel old enough to be a sir but I am.


10 Year Member!
Jun 22, 2011
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West Virginia
I agree that we need to come together and help each other. I agree that our lives may depend on it. My words on these pages are intended to do just that.
Maybe that's what you intend but when people question the 6 foot rule and say the people dying were maybe sick or died from other problems or that the the Flu would kill many more people every year that confuses people. You don't know that when this is done the Flu would of killed more people. It's too early to know much about this virus. I don't think people realize that social media and forums can have a big impact on others. Some people may get their info from social media only and read what you said and think it's no worse than Flu. Then they don't take the proper precautions to protect their selves and others. You look at how we have County Officials, State Officials, City Officials, Governors and the President all telling us what to do and it seems none are in agreement. This causes confusion and people don't know what to do or what is safe. It's the same thing with comments on here. I'm not concerned with your thoughts on the government and I'm not trying to argue with you or change your mind. I just wish everyone would be cautious follow the protocols laid out by the CDC and WHO and get through this safely.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2017
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East Texas
I thought I would check in, haven't been on in some time.
For those who don't know, we have moved back to East texas where our family is. Stores seem to be selling out of certain things quite quickly- toilet paper, paper towels, rice, canned goods, and ammo.
In my parents neighborhood they have begun giving out food and necessities to everyone, they bring a bag of random stuff out and put it in the back of your vehicle so no one gets out. My mom was one of the last ones in line and they told her that they were out of everything except beets, and asked if she wanted them. She was given a 50 pound bag of beets! Apparently they forgot to give them out with the other stuff... Then my uncle gave her another bag that he was given. She then called me and asked if we ate beets, I told her yes that we eat them. "Great! Come get some.." turns out my dad hates beets and my mom only wanted a few. So now I have almost 100pounds of beets in my kitchen... I guess I'll be doing some canning.
A cousin who works over seas on an oil rig was sent home after he started running a fever, a few days later his entire site was sent home. He tried to get the test for covid 19 and they refused him for almost a week even knowing that he had contact with an individual from London. When they finally tested him he was already recovering. It took 4 days to receive the results and it registered as a no for the covid 19. But he was getting better, would it be accurate? According to him it was the sickest he has ever been, and thought he was going to die. He is early 40s no known health issues but he is a heavy smoker. He quarantined at home and was never admitted to the hospital, according to him he was told to stay away. He is still self quarantined as of now, along with his wife and son.
I don't have any doubt that this virus is real and something to take seriously. But I dont like or trust how this is being handled.
My husband told me earlier this week that he had a feeling we should buy some veggie seeds and start up a garden so he went and bought some. The next day the local news was advising people to start a garden, that there were rumors of potential food shortages due to delivery problems. Great more people panicking.
Tensions are high but people here are still being civil for now. I feel like something is going to have to give, just waiting to see if it's better or worse.


10 Year Member!
Jun 22, 2011
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West Virginia
Last thing and crawl back under my rock and leave this thread to the regulars:D. We all just need to be mindful of how we are communicating things at a time like this. We need to walk a fine line between sharing info and unintentionally saying things that may scare or confuse people. Those types of comments lead people to write off all other info because they don't feel they can trust anything. That's all I'm saying. Stay safe everyone.


Unknown Member
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Feb 5, 2011
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This has everything to do with the New World Order that has been building for decades. Not based in facts? Its a fact that our entire society and economy is shut down until further notice over a virus that no one seems to really know the facts about. It is a fact that the .gov, which already has us in trillions of dollars of debt, has now halted the entire economy, and is about to hand out trillions of dollars back to us, with plans to do this on a regular basis. Its a fact, that we are about to be forced into having some sort of biometric ID system that tracks everything we do from now on. It is a fact that there is an enormous power grab in the works, and that we are being manipulated in ways we don't even know about yet.

Have some people died that were infected with this virus? Yes. That much is obvious. How many of them were already on death's door? How many of them would have died if they'd been infected with "regular" flu? How many of us have been exposed and our immune systems successfully defeated this virus as most of our immune systems do every single day with uncountable numbers of viruses and other infectious pathogens that surround us? If we tested everyone, I'll bet that by this point, almost everyone has been in con?tact with it. We have annual flus that regularly kill 10,000+ people a month in this country. C19 has killed a fraction of that, as far as we can tell from what "they" are telling us and allowing us to know. But how do any of us really know what is or isn't true anymore?

You think those of us questioning what the heck is going on are spreading fear and confusion? You weren't scared and confused about all this before you read my posts? I am terrified by what I am seeing. I have no idea how far this is going to go or how bad its going to get. I went from making six figures a year to making nothing, zero, zilch, overnight. No warning. No choice. No way around it. No end of it in sight. No recourse. No way to change it. We are seeing the end of society as we know it. I knew something big was coming, but never imagined it would be done in this way.

I agree that we need to come together and help each other. I agree that our lives may depend on it. My words on these pages are intended to do just that

Wag the dog, seems as tho every crisis is The New World Order's secret plans finally coming to fruition until they don't. Maybe you're worried about the wrong They, and the other They have been profiting off you for years. Don't forget to buy Ultra Male Vitality™ so you can continue the fight against the globalists.

There was a lot of warning. When China started shutting down cities, that was kind of a red flag. Too bad certain people in the US were saying it was just like the flu then, and some are still.

Have some people died that were infected with this virus? Yes. That much is obvious. How many of them were already on death's door? How many of them would have died if they'd been infected with "regular" flu? How many of us have been exposed and our immune systems successfully defeated this virus as most of our immune systems do every single day with uncountable numbers of viruses and other infectious pathogens that surround us? If we tested everyone, I'll bet that by this point, almost everyone has been in con?tact with it. We have annual flus that regularly kill 10,000+ people a month in this country. C19 has killed a fraction of that, as far as we can tell from what "they" are telling us and allowing us to know. But how do any of us really know what is or isn't true anymore?

Rhetorical questions to skirt responsibility for supporting what you say, excuse me, ask? Check.

What are your sources? Funny how someone pooh-poohs the sources of others without providing their own. Despite what you said previously, you cannot find credible or reliable sources to support anything you want.

queen koopa

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2018
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Las Vegas Nevada
Maybe that's what you intend but when people question the 6 foot rule and say the people dying were maybe sick or died from other problems or that the the Flu would kill many more people every year that confuses people. You don't know that when this is done the Flu would of killed more people. It's too early to know much about this virus. I don't think people realize that social media and forums can have a big impact on others. Some people may get their info from social media only and read what you said and think it's no worse than Flu. Then they don't take the proper precautions to protect their selves and others. You look at how we have County Officials, State Officials, City Officials, Governors and the President all telling us what to do and it seems none are in agreement. This causes confusion and people don't know what to do or what is safe. It's the same thing with comments on here. I'm not concerned with your thoughts on the government and I'm not trying to argue with you or change your mind. I just wish everyone would be cautious follow the protocols laid out by the CDC and WHO and get through this safely.
Government officials are the dumbest citizens on in the nation. They are elected in a popularity contest based on who can turn more Americans against each other. And senile!!! Please, Hank Johnson anyone!!? Worried Guam would capsize! Sorry I had to bring that up, someone showed me that video of the congressional hearing the other day. I have no political views so I don’t care what political party a person is in, they are all the same to me. But this!!!!!?


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Last thing and crawl back under my rock and leave this thread to the regulars:D. We all just need to be mindful of how we are communicating things at a time like this. We need to walk a fine line between sharing info and unintentionally saying things that may scare or confuse people. Those types of comments lead people to write off all other info because they don't feel they can trust anything. That's all I'm saying. Stay safe everyone.
The WHO said in January that this thing isn't contagious and people didn't need to worry about. So did China. Listening to the WHO is one reason this thing escalated. Forgive my lack of trust.

I get what you are saying, but the fact of the matter is that, we have never seen anything like this reaction to this "new" thing. All the info is contradictory, or just plain false. Experts disagreeing with each other publicly. People being vilified for taking any position. Wild exaggerations seem to be the norm, and the damage being don to our country by the reaction to this threat, seems more and more every day to be far more damaging than the threat.

We need to go back to work. Keep practicing good hygiene and minimize risks. Stay home if you are sick and showing symptoms, but leave everyone else to do what we need to do.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
What are your sources? Funny how someone pooh-poohs the sources of others without providing their own. Despite what you said previously, you cannot find credible or reliable sources to support anything you want.

I'm reading the same contradictory info on the internet as you and everyone else. Who gets to define reliable or credible? Is the NY Times "credible and reliable" in your opinion? If yes, you are either one of them, or your head is buried in the proverbial sand.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Government officials are the dumbest citizens on in the nation. They are elected in a popularity contest based on who can turn more Americans against each other. And senile!!! Please, Hank Johnson anyone!!? Worried Guam would capsize! Sorry I had to bring that up, someone showed me that video of the congressional hearing the other day. I have no political views so I don’t care what political party a person is in, they are all the same to me. But this!!!!!?
I agree. There are stupid people everywhere, but high profile, high paid government jobs seem to really attract them. Truly a case of the inmates running the asylum.


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Jan 7, 2018
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"There is no risk for person to person transmission"

W.H.O. - January, 2020
The WHO said in January that this thing isn't contagious and people didn't need to worry about. So did China. Listening to the WHO is one reason this thing escalated. Forgive my lack of trust.

I get what you are saying, but the fact of the matter is that, we have never seen anything like this reaction to this "new" thing. All the info is contradictory, or just plain false. Experts disagreeing with each other publicly. People being vilified for taking any position. Wild exaggerations seem to be the norm, and the damage being don to our country by the reaction to this threat, seems more and more every day to be far more damaging than the threat.

We need to go back to work. Keep practicing good hygiene and minimize risks. Stay home if you are sick and showing symptoms, but leave everyone else to do what we need to do.


Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 17, 2012
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The WHO said in January that this thing isn't contagious and people didn't need to worry about. So did China. Listening to the WHO is one reason this thing escalated. Forgive my lack of trust.

I get what you are saying, but the fact of the matter is that, we have never seen anything like this reaction to this "new" thing. All the info is contradictory, or just plain false. Experts disagreeing with each other publicly. People being vilified for taking any position. Wild exaggerations seem to be the norm, and the damage being don to our country by the reaction to this threat, seems more and more every day to be far more damaging than the threat.

We need to go back to work. Keep practicing good hygiene and minimize risks. Stay home if you are sick and showing symptoms, but leave everyone else to do what we need to do.

OK I just have to reply...

The WHO never said this was not contagious. I think people are listening to politicians and other so called experts and believing what those people say someone else says...

Those who follow my posts must know I am a real numbers geek. I have graphs and charts for everything. I saw this freight train coming mid Feb and was alarmed. I hear what all the politicians say and take it with a huge grain of salt. I study what the epidemiologists say. I study the hard numbers. I heard the predictions from them and followed up with actual numbers. I keep graphs of real numbers from John Hopkins - a source I do trust.

I have not heard any numbers change!!!!! What was predicted is indeed happening. When the death rate was calculated by those with an agenda to discount this - at the very beginning of the pandemic in the US, we hear folks touting a death rate that is nowhere near what was predicted (which was always 1%-2%.) But those folks are the spinners as we know the incubation period is 2-14 day to even show symptoms. Then how long to let the disease run its course? Another 2-4 weeks or so. So as we jumped to try to detect early exposure by looking at the most likely routes of infection, we find infection, but before the virus has had a chance to run its course in those infected. With a geometric spread, the number of cases are going to far outpace the number of deaths as there is a natural time lag.

But now if we look at even these early numbers, we already see the calculated death rate in the US has already reached 1.5%. (Roughly 100,000 US cases and 1500 US deaths) Sure that will adjust as more testing is more available to the less symptomatic. But a freight train is coming!

Here's some simple hard numbers. You can interpret how you want.

I added the countries most in the news about what is happening. China, where it started and who got a good handle on it the most quickly so far. S Korea who seems to have been able to really "flatten the curve" proactively and we see the results. Italy where it ran wild about 2 week ahead of the US. Spain in the same boat about 1 week ahead of the US. An of course, the US.

Here's the actual numbers of cases up to Friday.

Corona cases Mar 27.jpg

Here's the number of deaths as of Friday:

Corona deaths Mar 27.jpg

It doesn't matter how you spin things or what agenda you believe some may have. A freight train is coming!


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
But now if we look at even these early numbers, we already see the calculated death rate in the US has already reached 1.5%. (Roughly 100,000 US cases and 1500 US deaths) Sure that will adjust as more testing is more available to the less symptomatic. But a freight train is coming!
I'm glad you chimed in and your comments are always welcome. Maybe you can answer my question about these stats.

I get where 1.5% comes from. Number of known cases divided by number of deaths. But this number seems useless and pointless to me. We have no idea how many "cases" exist. Testing here and in some of the other countries has been laughable. What constitutes a "case"? Is this someone clearly and obviously showing the known symptoms? Only the people actually tested with a reliable test kit, and confirmed positive? What about the theoretical millions of people who have been exposed, yet did not become infected or show any symptoms? What about the people who only showed mild symptoms, but figured it was "just the flu" and never got tested? Shouldn't all these people be included in any "death rate" stats?

Given what we know about how long this thing survives in the environment and remains contagious for days, I don't see how everyone hasn't been exposed. We are all breathing the same air and jet setting around the world. Suppose I'm wrong and only half of America has been exposed. Shouldn't our death rate be re-calculated to reflect this reality? 350,000,000 Americans x .5 = 175,000,000. 1500/175,000,000 = .00000857 for 0.000857% death rate, if we can agree on how many have had exposure, and what constitutes a "case". If we are only testing the most severe people who are clearly infected and on their way out due to other health complications, people in severe respiratory distress, and only 1.5% of those people are dying, then 1.5% seems like a really really low number of deaths, relatively speaking. If we cannot know how many people have been exposed, and we are not testing all people who have been exposed, how can this death rate have any validity?

I understand the we have an infectious virus running its rampant course through the world. What I question is how bad is this thing, really, and are we over-reacting by literally shutting down society as we know it and stopping all income for a large percentage of the entire country? From where I am sitting, the damage from shutting everything down is going to be far worse than the damage from this virus. The ripples caused by our reaction to C19 are going to be far reaching and as difficult to quantify as the numbers of C19 cases and deaths.

Yvonne G

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Well, it does say KNOWN cases. I'm sure there are many unknown cases. ANd it's really just a ball park figure anyway, isn't it?

queen koopa

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Las Vegas Nevada
OK I just have to reply...

The WHO never said this was not contagious. I think people are listening to politicians and other so called experts and believing what those people say someone else says...

Those who follow my posts must know I am a real numbers geek. I have graphs and charts for everything. I saw this freight train coming mid Feb and was alarmed. I hear what all the politicians say and take it with a huge grain of salt. I study what the epidemiologists say. I study the hard numbers. I heard the predictions from them and followed up with actual numbers. I keep graphs of real numbers from John Hopkins - a source I do trust.

I have not heard any numbers change!!!!! What was predicted is indeed happening. When the death rate was calculated by those with an agenda to discount this - at the very beginning of the pandemic in the US, we hear folks touting a death rate that is nowhere near what was predicted (which was always 1%-2%.) But those folks are the spinners as we know the incubation period is 2-14 day to even show symptoms. Then how long to let the disease run its course? Another 2-4 weeks or so. So as we jumped to try to detect early exposure by looking at the most likely routes of infection, we find infection, but before the virus has had a chance to run its course in those infected. With a geometric spread, the number of cases are going to far outpace the number of deaths as there is a natural time lag.

But now if we look at even these early numbers, we already see the calculated death rate in the US has already reached 1.5%. (Roughly 100,000 US cases and 1500 US deaths) Sure that will adjust as more testing is more available to the less symptomatic. But a freight train is coming!

Here's some simple hard numbers. You can interpret how you want.

I added the countries most in the news about what is happening. China, where it started and who got a good handle on it the most quickly so far. S Korea who seems to have been able to really "flatten the curve" proactively and we see the results. Italy where it ran wild about 2 week ahead of the US. Spain in the same boat about 1 week ahead of the US. An of course, the US.

Here's the actual numbers of cases up to Friday.

View attachment 289191

Here's the number of deaths as of Friday:

View attachment 289192

It doesn't matter how you spin things or what agenda you believe some may have. A freight train is coming!
The virus was first encountered in the public eye in December 2019 right? When did America start testing? March? Well International travel more than likely brought that virus here well before March... But the cases and deaths started recording in March. And thats why cases shot up? Tell the people their flu could be Coronavirus 19, and then people who would not have went to the dr NOW went?


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
The virus was first encountered in the public eye in December 2019 right? When did America start testing? March? Well International travel more than likely brought that virus here well before March... But the cases and deaths started recording in March. And thats why cases shot up? Tell the people their flu could be Coronavirus 19, and then people who would not have went to the dr NOW went?
I have several friends who had bad colds/flu with lots of coughing, fever, and chest congestion in January and February. It took two or three weeks to get over it. Some of their families and friends also got it and passed it around, just like every year. They rode on planes, went to weddings in other states, etc... Was it C19? Bad flu? I don't know. No one knows. They all recovered and no one wants to test them. None of them will be counted in these statistics.

I rode in cars with them, drove the car after they drove the car, touching all the controls, shared equipment with them, petted the same animals they'd been petting, shared meals with them, etc...

I'm not saying there isn't a problem. I'm questioning how bad is the problem, and is our reaction warranted?

Len B

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Aug 3, 2010
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OK I just have to reply...

The WHO never said this was not contagious. I think people are listening to politicians and other so called experts and believing what those people say someone else says...

Those who follow my posts must know I am a real numbers geek. I have graphs and charts for everything. I saw this freight train coming mid Feb and was alarmed. I hear what all the politicians say and take it with a huge grain of salt. I study what the epidemiologists say. I study the hard numbers. I heard the predictions from them and followed up with actual numbers. I keep graphs of real numbers from John Hopkins - a source I do trust.

I have not heard any numbers change!!!!! What was predicted is indeed happening. When the death rate was calculated by those with an agenda to discount this - at the very beginning of the pandemic in the US, we hear folks touting a death rate that is nowhere near what was predicted (which was always 1%-2%.) But those folks are the spinners as we know the incubation period is 2-14 day to even show symptoms. Then how long to let the disease run its course? Another 2-4 weeks or so. So as we jumped to try to detect early exposure by looking at the most likely routes of infection, we find infection, but before the virus has had a chance to run its course in those infected. With a geometric spread, the number of cases are going to far outpace the number of deaths as there is a natural time lag.

But now if we look at even these early numbers, we already see the calculated death rate in the US has already reached 1.5%. (Roughly 100,000 US cases and 1500 US deaths) Sure that will adjust as more testing is more available to the less symptomatic. But a freight train is coming!

Here's some simple hard numbers. You can interpret how you want.

I added the countries most in the news about what is happening. China, where it started and who got a good handle on it the most quickly so far. S Korea who seems to have been able to really "flatten the curve" proactively and we see the results. Italy where it ran wild about 2 week ahead of the US. Spain in the same boat about 1 week ahead of the US. An of course, the US.

Here's the actual numbers of cases up to Friday.

View attachment 289191

Here's the number of deaths as of Friday:

View attachment 289192

It doesn't matter how you spin things or what agenda you believe some may have. A freight train is coming!
Maybe the WHO didn't say it wasn't contagious, but they did say it was not being transferred from person to person. China owns Ethiopia, the head guy at the WHO is Ethiopian He is doing China's bidding with misinformation to make them look good.


Unknown Member
10 Year Member!
Feb 5, 2011
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I'm reading the same contradictory info on the internet as you and everyone else. Who gets to define reliable or credible? Is the NY Times "credible and reliable" in your opinion? If yes, you are either one of them, or your head is buried in the proverbial sand.

And yet you don't name those sources.

I read news aggregator sites in english, spanish, and russian looking for stories that interest me and then look for primary material from there. Meaning if I read an article about a new law or regulation, or an academic paper, I'll usually read the actual text and not just stop at the headline or article.

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