First tortoise; I'm worried something is wrong

T1 Abrams

New Member
Apr 15, 2020
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Hello, As I stated in the title, this is my first tortoise. He is a Russian Tortoise. I have him in a 40 gal tank, and have set it up for him. We brought him home in a box and when we opened the box we found him in what I believe to be a state of shock. so we placed him in his enclosure in a hidey spot. It has been about two hours and he has not moved and I am worried something is wrong. Can someone please advise on things to check for or if this is normal?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2020
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Hello, As I stated in the title, this is my first tortoise. He is a Russian Tortoise. I have him in a 40 gal tank, and have set it up for him. We brought him home in a box and when we opened the box we found him in what I believe to be a state of shock. so we placed him in his enclosure in a hidey spot. It has been about two hours and he has not moved and I am worried something is wrong. Can someone please advise on things to check for or if this is normal?
@Yvonne G
Tortoises take time to get used to new enclosures, did you try feeding him? Can you post pictures of what you have provided for the tortoise? Lights, substrate? Someone will come along to give you better information! Hang in there...


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First, I would raise the heat either by giving him a warm bath or putting him under a heat lamp. Best case scenario he is just very cold. Also, send some pics so we can see what he is like exactly. If he is not just cold, and when warmed up, still acts the same, I would see the vet ASAP! It could be something very serious. Also, as a side note, I would suggest a change in the enclosure, as 40 gallon is a bit small. A large tortoise table would be ideal. Hope your tortoise is okay.


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+1 on getting pictures of the tortoise and also the enclosure. Please note that if this tortoise came from a chain pet store, it’s a wild caught adult and requires a minimum enclosure size of 8x4 feet. There is no tank big enough, and a 40 gallon really only works for a hatchling.

T1 Abrams

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Apr 15, 2020
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Thanks for the help so far! Here are pictures of him and his enclosure. I've noticed his shell looked a little scuffed up, is that normal? We did get him from a chain store. I took the temperature under the heat lamp near the ground, and it's about 85 degrees, is this too cold?


T1 Abrams

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Apr 15, 2020
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I will definitely be increasing the size of his enclosure, I did not realize that tortoises required so much room


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Thanks for the help so far! Here are pictures of him and his enclosure. I've noticed his shell looked a little scuffed up, is that normal? We did get him from a chain store. I took the temperature under the heat lamp near the ground, and it's about 85 degrees, is this too cold?
I'm not the best at temps, as mine are outside, but if that is the basking area I do know it should be hotter. Also, the pictures aren't loading as my internet is pretty slow, I would give him a warm bath sometime soon, as the tortoises from petstores are dehydrated many times, Also, if he poops in the soak water, look very closely for little white worms. He may have pinworms, it is very common in the petstore tortoises..
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The pics loaded, he does look a bit bad. His eyes seem sunken in, and he seems weak. Also, the scuffs are normal for a wild caught. I think he really needs a good, long, soak.


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Thanks for the help so far! Here are pictures of him and his enclosure. I've noticed his shell looked a little scuffed up, is that normal? We did get him from a chain store. I took the temperature under the heat lamp near the ground, and it's about 85 degrees, is this too cold?
Basking temp should be closer to 95-100. It also looks like you’re using a compact UVB. Turn this one off, and get a 10.0 tube. Compacts are too weak, and have a tendancy to burn eyes.

Definitely give this tortoise a warm soak.

Be sure to give hear a read if you haven’t already-
Russian Tortoise Care Sheet

Beginner Mistakes

T1 Abrams

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Apr 15, 2020
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Thank you all i'm giving him a soak and he is starting to look a little better, I will definitely be returning to the store to buy better equipment.

Yvonne G

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I'm sorry to tell you that those are pictures of a dead tortoise. Take him back to the store and get your money back.

Sa Ga

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Nov 19, 2019
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Is he ok?

I swear... I have learned so much from this forum, but I also get so upset from it! All these wonderful animals, sick or dying from our ignorance or blatant neglect. It makes my heart just ache....

I hope your little guy us ok, but if he isn't, that is the fault of the store and the treatment he probably endured while he was imported. It's just so terribly sad. ?


Apr 13, 2020
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I hope your baby is okay. Take them out to walk around. Mine FINALLY used the bathroom. I took him out and let him walk around on a blanket I had and I put food on it and he pooped and peed so much he needed to walk around and get some relief but give it time. He enjoyed himself and was just walking so fast but I did not want to lose him in the house or he gets a hold of something. Today makes day 5 and he still is not eating as much but I always put fresh food and water daily. I will get him some other food to change it up. But he is doing great! Just have to work on the enclosure so try not to worry and try various things. Your little guy will come around.

Yvonne G

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I hope your baby is okay. Take them out to walk around. Mine FINALLY used the bathroom. I took him out and let him walk around on a blanket I had and I put food on it and he pooped and peed so much he needed to walk around and get some relief but give it time. He enjoyed himself and was just walking so fast but I did not want to lose him in the house or he gets a hold of something. Today makes day 5 and he still is not eating as much but I always put fresh food and water daily. I will get him some other food to change it up. But he is doing great! Just have to work on the enclosure so try not to worry and try various things. Your little guy will come around.
Yes, they DO need to walk around, however, "taking them out" is not a good idea. A little tortoise needs his own enclosure or yard. A safe place that he can't get lost from, or eat blanket fuzz, or get stepped on. a big enough space so he can get the exercise he needs for his digestive system to work properly. A tortoise's enclosure should offer him everything he needs to be a healthy tortoise.

At any rate, I'm pretty sure T1 Abram's tortoise isn't living anymore.


The chain stores give you at least a week of a guarantee/exchange. Definitely do that. That tortoise does not look like it's going to pull through... if it isn't already dead. Does it move if you touch it at all? My little guy HATES his hind limbs touched, and squirms like crazy if you touch a leg. It's a bad first start.

Lot of people here are very anti-chain stores, but I understand sometimes they are the only option for many. With that in mind, look for the most energetic animal. I went to one store, picked up their animals, and they just didn't care. No defensive tucking, no kicking with the hind legs... That's not natural. The one I took home kicked and squirmed when picked up, and instantly ran for cover when placed back into the enclosure. Those are more healthy behaviors, and usually easier to transition from the wild into quality pets. Those that have given up on life usually do just that... die quickly.


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Thanks for the help so far! Here are pictures of him and his enclosure. I've noticed his shell looked a little scuffed up, is that normal? We did get him from a chain store. I took the temperature under the heat lamp near the ground, and it's about 85 degrees, is this too cold?

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He’s cute and probably very scared. Keep him warm. Let him get used to things. Put out some food. Talk softly to him. He’ll “warm up” to you and his surroundings. Each tort is his own tort. Some are boisterous. Some are shy. Time will tell.


He’s cute and probably very scared. Keep him warm. Let him get used to things. Put out some food. Talk softly to him. He’ll “warm up” to you and his surroundings. Each tort is his own tort. Some are boisterous. Some are shy. Time will tell.

He would definitely be scared, but he would show natural instincts. A scared reptile wants to find somewhere to feel secure. He'd hide or dig as soon as he was sure the "predator" (aka owner) is gone. Even a shy tortoise. Shock symptoms are NEVER a good sign. It's better to start off strong with a feisty animal than try to "save" a lost cause. Usually, by the time a reptile shows such behaviors, it's too sick to rehab without significant cost, and many die regardless. I'd rather the petstore eat the costs of selling a dead animal rather than a person who loses the animal after a month and cannot get an exchange or refund.