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  1. mojo_1

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving 🦃
  2. mojo_1

    Looking for alternative to inkbird temp controller

    I'm currently using the BN Link myself. So far no issues. But it's been only a few months.
  3. mojo_1

    What Is The Best Turtle Species?

    Aside from the overhead costs of pizza the ninja turtles 🤣🤣. I like the painted turtles. I haven't had much interaction with any other species. I have saved countless turtles here in Ohio from death by car tire, but I don't know what species they were. One was a snapping turtle.
  4. mojo_1

    Wheeze in sulcata tortoise

    You still need to improve his living quarters for correct temperatures and anything else I missed from above. You don't want to write off that the antibiotics is a affordable easy fix. It's not a good practice to play the F#$% around and find out game with the well being of reptiles. The oil...
  5. mojo_1

    Bee Keepers?

    I like eating honey, but I'm not a bee keeper
  6. mojo_1

    Composite enclosure build for our Redfooted.

    The part that I find concerning about the substrate you are using is this, sphagnum peat moss, extremely fine sand both can have a negative impact on the tortoise.
  7. mojo_1


    Lack of knowledge I'm going to guess. Most people that don't know think it's cute how they stare lovingly into each other's eyes 🙄🤨
  8. mojo_1


    They lived happily together. Otherwise known as a mexican standoff. 🙄
  9. mojo_1

    Wheeze in sulcata tortoise

    Those are correct.
  10. mojo_1

    Wheeze in sulcata tortoise

    No it's a thermostat just like how you regulate the temperature of your home except this one is for your tortoises home. The ceramic heat emitter you have already plugs in the this to control it. Also I personally didn't have any luck using that housing with the ceramic heat emitters in it.
  11. mojo_1

    Wheeze in sulcata tortoise
  12. mojo_1

    Wheeze in sulcata tortoise

    The ceramic heat emitters should be on thermostats to regulate temperature. I'm running 2 150w ones in Mojo's condo enclosure maintaining mid 80's
  13. mojo_1

    Wheeze in sulcata tortoise

    Can you turn up the temperature settings on the C.H.E's thermostats? From what I recall 2 of those should be enough to heat that size enclosure. @Tom is right about finding the cause and bringing up the heat.
  14. mojo_1

    Wheeze in sulcata tortoise

    On my little redfoot they had me hold one of his front legs out and put the needle in the area between his leg and neck. But they can take it through the mouth I believe if they are big enough. It's easier with 2 people
  15. mojo_1

    Wheeze in sulcata tortoise

    The vet usually sends you home with a form of antibiotics it administer for a length of days. Usually a shot.
  16. mojo_1

    Pale eyes

    X terracotta saucers work best for Water and food dishes. It's textured enough for them to get traction to get out. Also make them level with the substrate also.
  17. mojo_1


    A lot of people are using the reptibark or orchid bark potting media from the hardware store. Just make sure it's fir bark not pine bark
  18. mojo_1

    Little Russian Boy's neck thing

    Is this place still an option? Wayne C. Zeh, DVM Zoot Pets, LLC Georgetown, TX Tel: (512) 864-9668
  19. mojo_1

    SOS…I am devastated and need experienced tortoise owner advise

    Hatchlings need heat and humidity to get a good start on healthy smooth shells. So 80-84 temps and mid 80's relative humidity. Higher temps in basking spot.
  20. mojo_1

    Hello and any advice welcome!

    I would stick with the Reptibark. It holds moisture well and less chance of the tortoise eating it or it getting stuck on its food. Also it is less mess and easier to maintain.