Looking for alternative to inkbird temp controller


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10 Year Member!
Jul 1, 2011
What are y’all using for your temperature controller these days? I’ve had two inkbirds in the last two years and they just don’t seem to last. One stopped sending power to the heater and the second lost wifi capability. I’d love to get something that will last longer than a year.

Photo of Satchel for forum tax haha


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I can't really help much. Both kinds I have used, one didn't last over two years either and the other I'm using now is difficult and is only on its second year 🤞it lasts longer.
I have to use 1500 watt heaters. Where are you located?
Someone in say CA doesn't have to use such big heaters like @Tom who heats a night box. I heat a shed


The Dog Trainer
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What are y’all using for your temperature controller these days? I’ve had two inkbirds in the last two years and they just don’t seem to last. One stopped sending power to the heater and the second lost wifi capability. I’d love to get something that will last longer than a year.

Photo of Satchel for forum tax haha
I've had a few go out over the years, but I just get whatever one is cheap. The current one I usually find on a search is from BN Link. So far, I haven't had one of those die on me.

I use the built-in thermostats on the radiant oil heaters as a secondary safety in case the main thermostat sticks on.

You can always buy the more expensive digital proportional ones from Helix or Herpstat. Those are both very high quality and I haven't had either one of those die on me yet. I had a Helix stop working because a stupid mouse chewed the cord, but that is not a reflection of the unit. What was nice was the excellent customer service I received from Helix when I called to order a new probe cord.


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I probably have a dozen or so of the BN Link ones in use. I have had one failure since I started using them. The relay failed off on one that was running a 700watt oil filled heater.
I think they are reliable enough if you have two sources of heat on two separate thermostats.
I think that the Ranco ETC series thermostats are probably more robust. I have never used them to heat reptiles but I have used them in the aquaculture world for a very long time with very few issues.


Unknown Member
10 Year Member!
Feb 5, 2011
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What are y’all using for your temperature controller these days? I’ve had two inkbirds in the last two years and they just don’t seem to last. One stopped sending power to the heater and the second lost wifi capability. I’d love to get something that will last longer than a year.

Photo of Satchel for forum tax haha

Is wi-fi a requirement? You're using the 'plug and play' type (eg ITC-308)? How many total do you use?