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  1. Kisobel

    I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.

    Yeah originally I setup the temperature sensor thing I currently have for the heat lamp up wrong, and it very much over heated the ground. Seemed to burn his feet a bit. So yeah I hope the 100W is ok and I don't need to return and buy a new 75W one lol. But thank you a lot, I will do all...
  2. Kisobel

    I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.

    So it is safe to leave the heat lamp on for that long tho? I think mine is 150W at the moment and I just purchased a 100W one, im worried it may get too hot that's all. The one I bought is less concentrated in one area compare to the one I have now however. That being said tho I have bought...
  3. Kisobel

    I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.

    okay I also purchased 2 timers, One for the heat lamp, one for UV lamp. I bought the CHE too, do you have a recommended temp I should be setting it at? Is there recommended times I should be setting the UV lamp on / heat lamp on? After I take him out the bath he tends to bask, so would this...
  4. Kisobel

    I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.

    do you think you could send a picture of a vivarium you have / had setup in the past please? would be appreciated!
  5. Kisobel

    I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.

    Okidoki I just ordered, Swell Premium Orchid Bark Fine, (40L in total) Basking Solar 100w Floodlight, (I know I got advised I can use a 75 but gonna take extra care as I know my room gets rather cold. I need to purchase a CHE however can you explain how to correctly setup the heat lamp and...
  6. Kisobel

    I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.

    Thank you so much, yes I did soak him after for about 20 mins and he drank the water for about a min. Must have been thirsty I found the substrate I am using currently ( Is this deffo not good for the tortoise and needs a...
  7. Kisobel

    I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.

    Its called habistat or "dimming thermostat", ill provide an image. Also from my setup you'd say just where the log is?
  8. Kisobel

    I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.

    I read what you previously said too, quite a shock. I'm going to order new substrate asap. I managed to get pictures for you of everything I currently have. Re looking at the heat lamp I think its the one that damages the little guys eyes and I feel guilty as f because of it, I've been trying...
  9. Kisobel

    I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.

    I am going to have a look at all of the suitable substrates and try pick a one I think would work the best for him. I will order a humidity reader as we speak! How do you think this one is ( How does the Che bulb work? does it go in the cool side of the enclosure, or...
  10. Kisobel

    I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.

    good to know, thank you :)! I am currently just using a small plastic tub that fits him in but I shall use two.
  11. Kisobel

    I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.

    Hi, thanks for the reply! Okay so I'm at work at the moment and its a 12 hours shift so probably will not be able to get the specifics just yet I do apologize. The tortoise bedding is not sandy nor soil, and it is not a mix of them. It of sorts feels like rocks but isn't too, its quite soft I...
  12. Kisobel

    I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.

    Hi, nice to hear your tortoise is doing well! Every egg batch as a "runt" I presume and I think thats herman. (its what I called my hermann tortoise very original I know). I will try my best to keep him in good health etc, but I wish to see him having a normal routine, at the moment I bath him...
  13. Kisobel

    I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.

    Hello there, I'm new to this forum and actually got told to avoid it from the pet shop however im in need and I'm here to ask for some advice and just overall knowledge / advice on my Hermann tortoise. I bought them (I refer to them as a he for easiness) from a PetShop about a month and a...