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  1. Kisobel

    Tortoise Problems Need Help!

    I have a CHE, just turned up the temp from 25 degrees C to 27. also my heat gun says 37 under the heat lamp directly. but it doesn't actually seem too warm. I give 2 baths a week, ill try make it more. I do occasionally pour water in the corners yeah, just done it today too. Well, its...
  2. Kisobel

    Tortoise Problems Need Help!

    idk why it didn't send lol
  3. Kisobel

    Tortoise Problems Need Help!

    its not pine bark, its fine orchid bark or whatever its called. Its been approved by people such as @Tom and @Alex and the Redfoot Humidity is currently 49% And the temp is reading 30.2 what is low. I attempted to fit the higher watt bulb but its broke so just ordered a new one. I've closed...
  4. Kisobel

    Tortoise Problems Need Help!

    Here is some also odd behaviour I just caught him doing, this is directly under heat lamp. Please help
  5. Kisobel

    Tortoise Problems Need Help!

    Hey there people, After originally mending Herman’s health unfortunately he has slipped into more health problems and I’m not sure what to do. He has always had a cough/slight wheeze but recently I can actually hear it when close to him. This goes alongside with heavy breathing as I can feel...
  6. Kisobel

    My parents fed my Herman tortoise fruit… (help/question)

    That death part scared me.. Hopefully he is okay 😕
  7. Kisobel

    My parents fed my Herman tortoise fruit… (help/question)

    Thank you very very much, he been acting a little off in general I’ve been putting down to the weather. This is just the cherry on top of the cake. Yeah my dad always been arrogant and apparently doesn’t know how to respect boundaries when I strictly said no fruit. Sorry for that tho, different...
  8. Kisobel

    My parents fed my Herman tortoise fruit… (help/question)

    So, sorry again for posting. I’ve been at work today and my Hermann tortoise ate an entire strawberry as my parents decided to think he could eat it. Now I’m like 99% sure he CANNOT eat a strawberry but please someone tell me otherwise. Now say he shouldn’t have ate it, what are the...
  9. Kisobel

    Lethargic Tortoise

    Yeah you are correct, big vivarium. I’ll seal the vents with some duck tape or something. Do you have any advice on the picture I sent, I’ll re send. I have no answers I’m not sure when or why it appeared but I noticed it a few days ago. It is the white thing like a peeled scale maybe?
  10. Kisobel

    Lethargic Tortoise

    I have no moss or anything like that, the temp does rise to about 32-35. Humidity I can’t really fix but it goes to about 30-50 it fluctuates. I try my best to get it higher but currently working on that.
  11. Kisobel

    Lethargic Tortoise

    Additional part, I’ve found this on his head that showed up? I’m not sure what it is. Any help?
  12. Kisobel

    Lethargic Tortoise

    Heya people, unfortunately it may have happened again. My tort Herman has been lethargic again recently, like all limbs lay down while head is also out resting whilst his eyes are closed under the heat lamp. Normally I’d say he just sleeping but it’s not the first time he been doing it...
  13. Kisobel

    Herman Tortoise Wee

    Hi peeps, Hope everyone is doing well, just on here regarding a question. When Herman wees its clear and then some sorta white stringy thing is there. I have pictures where it seems to have been larger and like settled into a blob or something like that. Is this normal? All I have changed in...
  14. Kisobel

    Food questions for hermann tortoise

    I am going to try and grow my own stuff I think I am just overly protective if say a slug or snail went on the leaf if it would harm my tortoise. this tortoise feels like my child how protective I am of him lol
  15. Kisobel

    Food questions for hermann tortoise

    thank you for all of this lol I do not even know how to respond! I shall do my research and see what I can get then get back to you :P thank you!!
  16. Kisobel

    Food questions for hermann tortoise

    (that was my service I sent you 🤣)
  17. Kisobel

    Food questions for hermann tortoise

    Thank you, I was pretty positive they weren’t allowed fruit. I want to avoid dried stuff however, I like giving him fresh or freshest I can
  18. Kisobel

    Food questions for hermann tortoise

    Hi people, I know there is a guide to stick by but this is more personally related questions. I have 2 questions to ask, Can my Hermann tortoise eat fruit at all? Like apples and bananas and such. I’m having this debate with my father whom hasn’t looked after a tortoise but believes Google...
  19. Kisobel

    Hermann Tortoise Checkup / Questions

    I do have black electric tape, I shall use that. Does it not leak at all? I didn't think it was that sticky
  20. Kisobel

    Hermann Tortoise Checkup / Questions

    Just done so :tort:👍 ty