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  1. Kisobel


    Here is a new video clip
  2. Kisobel


    is that bad? I don't know
  3. Kisobel


    HELLO sorry to panic but I just seen this.. I have recently changed the bedding 2 days ago hence where I presume it came from but what the F are these things. I don't know what to do and I am panicking. What do I do, do I order new substrate again? fully hoover everything out? I really...
  4. Kisobel

    A bit help with my Hermann tortoise please,

    Would you have any lights recommendations that I should buy then? I used the same stuff I put down once I got told about how to fix all the incorrections I had, Currently using Swell Premium Orchid Bark Fine 20L, There is a total of 40L down I believe. I don't go shopping at the grocery...
  5. Kisobel

    A bit help with my Hermann tortoise please,

    6 and a half inches.
  6. Kisobel

    A bit help with my Hermann tortoise please,

    I got told my lamp was a little weak so to put it on for extra time however I can reduce it if needed.
  7. Kisobel

    A bit help with my Hermann tortoise please,

    Hi Alex! Hot side under the lamp gets to about 32-35 Degrees Celsius, and the low side is set to not go lower than 24 degrees Celsius, with the passive heater and heat sensor. He does not go outside as it simply is too cold for him. He has a cuttle fish bone so if he craved it I believe he...
  8. Kisobel

    A bit help with my Hermann tortoise please,

    Thank you, this makes me feel like I haven't done anything wrong.
  9. Kisobel

    A bit help with my Hermann tortoise please,

    Sorry I also forgot to mention, he has taken up the habit of biting his log for some reason
  10. Kisobel

    A bit help with my Hermann tortoise please,

    Hi people, I first joined this forum to help me with my little fella who has been doing fantastic recently, he has grown a ton since last time and he just seems overall happy. I recently changed his substrate, and his behaviours have been a little different and im not sure why. Partially due to...
  11. Kisobel

    Update on Herman

    He does not no, I have no place at all to get it too.
  12. Kisobel

    Update on Herman

    Hey everyone, It’s been a while since I was last on here, and I never trusted this forum as I got told to avoid it. However I’m happy I trusted everybody that helped me as a new tortoise owner! I’ve had Herman for about 5 months now, and he makes me the happiest person ever. Originally I had...
  13. Kisobel

    Hermann Tortoise Vivarium Help.

    Hello! This is actually really helpful, thank you for this. I need to look into it properly but its a lot harder than I thought to get a varied diet for the tortoise at a supermarket or in general. I ordered some "fresh" stuff off of ebay but its yet to come. I want to see if its suitable or...
  14. Kisobel

    Hermann Tortoise Vivarium Help.

    Heya peeps, Been a bit since I posted on here as things have definitely improved with Herman. (again original name I know), For those whom know nothing about Herman, he is about 1 years old, I say its a he for easiness honestly could be any gender, I recently weighed him and he is now 72 grams...
  15. Kisobel

    Hermann Tortoise Food(s) Question

    Hello Everyone, I discovered this forum when I needed assistance with my Hermann tortoise previously and has been really great help! Herman (what I called my tortosie) has been doing very well. I see them active on days either walking around or not just hiding and awake observing the world...
  16. Kisobel

    I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.

    It’s not too low not too high, I put it about half way. It’s also why I let it on for an additional few hours to allow more of it for him :)
  17. Kisobel

    I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.

    Hello! Just a nice little update for everyone and specifically @Tom, @Alex and the Redfoot, @Raquel1978 , I managed to setup the new viv!! I need a new water dish, I know to get a flat one to prevent him from drowning, I will put his food on the slate most likely, need to get him off pellets...
  18. Kisobel

    I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.

    My stuff comes tomorrow, should I be worried about the wait or just take every day as it comes. there isn't much I can do to heat up the viv at the moment before the stuff comes.
  19. Kisobel

    I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.

    Hello again, So I have a few concerns if @Tom, @Alex and the Redfoot, @Raquel1978 may be able to help and answer or anyone whom stumbles upon this. My order for the substrate and all other stuff has been moved on an extra day and I'm starting to worry. Hermans problems at the moment is he is...
  20. Kisobel

    Happy Birthday! All the best to you and your Tortoise :)

    Happy Birthday! All the best to you and your Tortoise :)