I need advice / help with my 10 month old hermann tortoise.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2013

Just a nice little update for everyone and specifically @Tom, @Alex and the Redfoot, @Raquel1978 , I managed to setup the new viv!!

I need a new water dish, I know to get a flat one to prevent him from drowning, I will put his food on the slate most likely, need to get him off pellets.

6:45 am - The ambient lighting (LED Strips, yes it's rated correctly and has the correct light) and the basking lamp comes on. It switches off at 7:15 pm.

The UV lamp comes on at 10am - 4:30 pm.

The promising this is he actually had a few laps, had his eyes wide open, wasn't catching at them what he normally does and he actually can burrow correctly under his little hut thingy.

Here are some photos below, so hopefully the new setup is better for him to recover in!
(p.s. I know I need to move the heat sensor it was just to temp monitor)
This sounds promising. Keep working away at everything being suggested here and you will succeed. Good luck!

Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2023
Location (City and/or State)

Just a nice little update for everyone and specifically @Tom, @Alex and the Redfoot, @Raquel1978 , I managed to setup the new viv!!

I need a new water dish, I know to get a flat one to prevent him from drowning, I will put his food on the slate most likely, need to get him off pellets.

6:45 am - The ambient lighting (LED Strips, yes it's rated correctly and has the correct light) and the basking lamp comes on. It switches off at 7:15 pm.

The UV lamp comes on at 10am - 4:30 pm.

The promising this is he actually had a few laps, had his eyes wide open, wasn't catching at them what he normally does and he actually can burrow correctly under his little hut thingy.

Here are some photos below, so hopefully the new setup is better for him to recover in!
(p.s. I know I need to move the heat sensor it was just to temp monitor)
Looks great!

What is the distance from UVB lamp to substrate? I remember, you had a T8 lamp - it can give too little UVB if mounted too high.


Mar 8, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
United Kingdom
Looks great!

What is the distance from UVB lamp to substrate? I remember, you had a T8 lamp - it can give too little UVB if mounted too high.
It’s not too low not too high, I put it about half way. It’s also why I let it on for an additional few hours to allow more of it for him :)


Nov 15, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Swansea wales
Hopefully with all the good changes you have done you will start to see a improvement.
Their are a few posts if you do a search on picky eaters and the best way to encourage them to eat a more variety diet.