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  1. Eva C


    Hi! My Russian tortoise has a great deal of skin peeling on his face and neck. Is this normal, or does he need hydration?
  2. Eva C

    Travel in the cold

    Hi! I am taking Otis to the vet tomorrow. Any tips on transferring him to the car in 15 degrees?
  3. Eva C

    Need some help - habitat evaluation

    Hi! My Russian tortoise seems to have gone into hibernation. He stays in the same spot all the time, unless I move him. He will eat if I put some food right in front of him, and wake him up. This has happened before. A vet looked him over and said he seemed healthy. He was also very active. I...
  4. Eva C

    Can someone explain this? (tortoise chases ball)

    Tortoise chases ball: Is he going after it because he thinks it is something to eat, or is he actually playing? And, how do I get my tortoise to chase a ball? :)
  5. Eva C

    Russian tortoise diet

    Hi! I am having trouble developing a balanced diet for my Russian tortoise Otis. I have been giving him a variety of greens since I got him in June, but now it seems that he only wants to eat lettuce and broccoli. I know that both of these are not ideal. I just looked up broccoli on the...
  6. Eva C

    My tort isn't active, is this a problem?

    I have had my tortoise for under 3 weeks, so I don't know whats normal, and if his behaviors are supposed to be consistent from day to day. He has been in the same spot for the last half a day or so, did wake up a little, but hasn't eaten anything and is mostly just sleeping. He did this once...
  7. Eva C

    Need advice - shell rot

    Hi! I think my new Russian tortoise Otis might have shell rot. He has cracks and damage on the bottom of his shell. This is from hitting the bottom of the aquarium as he tried to climb out and slid down the wall. (I have made a more appropriate house for him). I have a picture of the top and...
  8. Eva C

    Hello! My tortoise story.

    Hi! My name is Eva and I live in Cincinnati, Ohio. A little over a week ago, I stopped at a yard sale on my way back from vacation up north on Lake Erie. Among the usual hats, shoes, dishes and miscellaneous items, there was a little tortoise in an aquarium for sale for $50. The lady selling him...