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  1. mojo_1

    Lego eating and enjoying the Sun…

    Pro tip I found that they eat better if you chop it up for them. Mojo has been eating all the food I give him since I started chopping it up.
  2. mojo_1

    White markings in creases of shell

    Do you give him a scrubbing when you soak him? Is it possible that it's hard water staining?
  3. mojo_1


    You can not get rid of them. They will always come back. Just let them do their thing and help keep squirts enclosure clean.
  4. mojo_1

    Something coming out

    You were told wrong. You must get rid of the mercury vapor bulb asap.
  5. mojo_1

    HELP PLEASE (red on plastron)

    Sorry for your loss, it's hard to lose a pet.
  6. mojo_1

    New refoot owner

    Depending on size. But about a year they become juveniles or around 4 to 6cm. I believe again varies depending on growth rate but about 10 years they are done growing. Also after 6 to 8 cm or 5ish years you'll be able to tell the sex of the tortoise.
  7. mojo_1

    New refoot owner
  8. mojo_1

    Re-using orchid bark

    Every week seems a bit excessive with spot cleaning you should be able to go several months without doing all this.
  9. mojo_1

    Re-using orchid bark

    Like Tom said if it's not been heavily soiled. You can clean it by just soaking and rinsing or you can use a tort safe soap. I don't know the brand of cleaner/soap but I'm almost positive that there is one.
  10. mojo_1

    Re-using orchid bark

    Soak it, clean it, rinse it, let it dry or Bake it. Then put it in.
  11. Mojo


  12. Mojo in his cave

    Mojo in his cave

  13. mojo_1

    Tortoise sex

    Yes it takes about 5 years before you can really tell. Here's a picture that shows the difference.
  14. mojo_1

    Tortoise sex

    You have about 3 more years to go till that can happen.
  15. mojo_1

    Female aggression

    They need to be separated. They both need their own enclosures. The female is the alpha in this situation. And apparently has had years to abuse the male.
  16. mojo_1

    Age estimate for baby redfoot

    I agree, this sounds dangerous and messy. Especially if the kitty litter is dry when they eat it. It expands when it gets wet.
  17. mojo_1

    New Cherry Head rescue... Removing gorilla glue from bottom of shell?

    Whatever method you try. Test it on yourself first. Humans have done animal testing for years, it's time to give back and do Human testing.
  18. mojo_1

    New Cherry Head rescue... Removing gorilla glue from bottom of shell?

    You might try contacting gorilla glue company themselves. Thanks to the lady that used their glue to hold her hair in place a year or so ago, this won't be the weirdest thing they've encountered.
  19. mojo_1

    Humidifier and red foot types

    If you can get this you can grow it in the enclosure for your tort to snack on.
  20. mojo_1

    Humidifier and red foot types

    This is my enclosure for Mojo. Just to give you more ideas to make your own enclosure. I will say he enjoys his tunnels I made him.