HELP PLEASE (red on plastron)


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Jun 27, 2024
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Please help. I don’t know what I need to do, what the best course of action is.
I’ve had two tortoises for years. One of my females is ok, but my other female had a couple red lines on her tummy. I picked her up and I guess I was just being careless because I thought it was maybe ink from the wet newspaper I put her food on. Then over the next 2 days I’ve picked her up and she seems to be eating well and very active still. However today I picked her up and she has all of this bruising looking stuff on her. I’m freaking out and we don’t live very close to any exotic vets. I don’t want her to be in pain, I’m just really scared. Usually it’s hot in Florida, but I took her inside into the garage when it got cold. I did see that one day she had flipped onto her back but that was a while ago. She also climbed up the sides of the enclosure and fell a little but it’s concrete so that couldn’t have been good. Another thing is there was one day where she laid in her own poop and it got stuck. I cleaned it the same day, but I don’t know if maybe that gave her a bacterial infection. Once I heard her fall the first time we’ve had them back outside but I don’t know if maybe that did damage that I just didn’t see. Is there anything I can buy or give her or clean her with?


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Yvonne G

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It does look like bruising. Any chance she got stepped on and squished? How far did she fall?


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Jun 27, 2024
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As far as I know nobody in my family said they dropped her or stepped on her or anything. She fell only a few inches.


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How big is she and weight?


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I would just follow the experts advice. Are they in the same enclosure? Can you post a picture of the enclosure?


New Member
Jun 27, 2024
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I would just follow the experts advice. Are they in the same enclosure? Can you post a picture of the enclosure?
I’ve moved her now. We have an outside little fenced in area set with a water dish and a couple of logs to crawl under.


New Member
Jun 27, 2024
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Please help. I don’t know what I need to do, what the best course of action is.
I’ve had two tortoises for years. One of my females is ok, but my other female had a couple red lines on her tummy. I picked her up and I guess I was just being careless because I thought it was maybe ink from the wet newspaper I put her food on. Then over the next 2 days I’ve picked her up and she seems to be eating well and very active still. However today I picked her up and she has all of this bruising looking stuff on her. I’m freaking out and we don’t live very close to any exotic vets. I don’t want her to be in pain, I’m just really scared. Usually it’s hot in Florida, but I took her inside into the garage when it got cold. I did see that one day she had flipped onto her back but that was a while ago. She also climbed up the sides of the enclosure and fell a little but it’s concrete so that couldn’t have been good. Another thing is there was one day where she laid in her own poop and it got stuck. I cleaned it the same day, but I don’t know if maybe that gave her a bacterial infection. Once I heard her fall the first time we’ve had them back outside but I don’t know if maybe that did damage that I just didn’t see. Is there anything I can buy or give her or clean her with?
She has passed away.


The Dog Trainer
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Please help. I don’t know what I need to do, what the best course of action is.
I’ve had two tortoises for years. One of my females is ok, but my other female had a couple red lines on her tummy. I picked her up and I guess I was just being careless because I thought it was maybe ink from the wet newspaper I put her food on. Then over the next 2 days I’ve picked her up and she seems to be eating well and very active still. However today I picked her up and she has all of this bruising looking stuff on her. I’m freaking out and we don’t live very close to any exotic vets. I don’t want her to be in pain, I’m just really scared. Usually it’s hot in Florida, but I took her inside into the garage when it got cold. I did see that one day she had flipped onto her back but that was a while ago. She also climbed up the sides of the enclosure and fell a little but it’s concrete so that couldn’t have been good. Another thing is there was one day where she laid in her own poop and it got stuck. I cleaned it the same day, but I don’t know if maybe that gave her a bacterial infection. Once I heard her fall the first time we’ve had them back outside but I don’t know if maybe that did damage that I just didn’t see. Is there anything I can buy or give her or clean her with?
Hello and welcome. Sorry for your loss. What species are we talking about?

They should never live as a pair, and they shouldn't be on newspaper wet or dry.

If you are willing, let's go over your husbandry and housing to make sure the other one doesn't succumb to the same fate as this one. Questions are welcome, and we just like to help people and their tortoises here.

Start here and look for the appropriate care sheet for your species near the bottom:


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Jun 10, 2016
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Sorry for your loss.