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  1. S

    What size should my Russian tortoise be in order to be safe from birds

    Personaly with my russians I don't like them outside in an uncovered pen alone not just because of birds but also racoons and dogs and such. I wouldn't worry so much about a crow to be honest because they are very small birds but ravens on the other hand are much larger. I know you probably have...
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    Speedy's eating habits

    You will want to get rid of the pellets and dont feed her peppers, apples, or melons, and feed her cucumber only about once a month if that (only a treat). How long have you had Speedy? A lot of times if you just get them they wont eat for sometimes up to two weeks, they just have to get used to...
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    Finger Monkey?

    Have you guys seen these things? they are so cute! I want to get one now but I don't know where to get one :P Tyler
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    Glock Perfection

    I dont know, I still like my 50 cal :) I'm a big fan of black powder rifles. Love to build them and make all the ammo and everything :) Tyler
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    Hippo In a House?

    I just got cable this year so I'm a little out of the loop :P Tyler
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    Hippo In a House?

    was surfing youtube and came across this as I was looking up Bailey the Bison, Thought it was pretty interesting and funny all at the same time. Tyler
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    Glock Perfection

    Ya I have never been a big fan of the lazers and stuff. I have always like to see how they work and the knowledge of the guns is what I really like. I have been more into black powder guns at the moment. I built a .50 Kentucky Longrifle from a kit and love it. I was thinking about building an...
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    Glock Perfection

    Goog post, personally I have only owned one handgun and its a Burgo .22 Revolver. Its so small I'm almost embarrassed to bring it out. I really don't know much about it and can't find any information about it. I have been thinking about getting a Glock when I get old enough lol. Tyler
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    Tortoise Encloser in Southern OH

    Just spoted this on craigslist, Tyler
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    Hows the weather up there?

    Now thats some snow! Tyler
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    Hows the weather up there?

    Ah wonderful stuff, we only got a few inches where I am, everything has been turning into ice lately. Tyler
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    Hows the weather up there?

    I'm sure they are probably ok, remember snow is a good insulater. Tyler
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    Hows the weather up there?

    How are you all doing with the this crazy weather? I know here its been freezing rain all night last night and all day today, supposed to be the same tonight then switch to a few inches of snow. I heard you guys up north are getting hit pretty hard with snow. How are you all settleing with it...
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    Always go with the rule, If they can't find it in the wild then they probably shouldn't be eating it. And with that there are to many bad things in it so please do not feed your tort that. Tyler
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    Very Rare Disease

    Ya I know, I saw it and almost had to run out and get some hamburger to grill up. I wish I could take credit for it. My girlfriend sent it to me, she found it on an app on her iPod. Tyler
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    Very Rare Disease

    Hey everyone, my girlfriend sent me a picture of a poor tortoise with a very rare disease that I don't know. I was hopeing you all could help me out with its name. Here is a pic, Any of you know its name? :D I thought it was pretty funny Tyler
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    Stupid Winter

    Ya I love to go skiing but it costs way to much and its an hour drive to get to the closest place. That really is a beautiful place, around here even in summer nothing looks good lol. Thats kinda funny but makes alot of sence Just the past few weeks she has been really depressed and she...
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    Stupid Winter

    Hey all, anyone else down in the dumps or depressed over this winter? I just don't know, there is something about it that makes it awful. The only thing pullin me through right now is my torts and my girlfriend, and I may not have that after today:( .So was just thinking, does winter hit anyone...
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    Sulcata in OH

    Ahh ok, sorry I don't use craigslist that much lol. Tyler
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    Sulcata in OH

    Hmm someone must have either adopted him or they have decided against getting rid of him. Tyler