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  1. S

    Thinking about getting one...

    Ya I like snappers but I don't plan on getting one for a long time, waiting till I have my own place and can make a nice pond. I thought about a RES but im trying to stay as small as I can and I know they can get to be about 12". I was thinking the the Loggerhead because I heard they stay small...
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    Thinking about getting one...

    Hey everyone, so I have been thinking about getting a water turtle for some time now but still can't decide. I really like snappers but being a beginner on turtles I don't think I will be getting one. I have been looking into Loggerhead Musk turtles or Razorback Musk turtles but still can't...
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    Diet Question

    Carrots are a good tread about once a month as dmmj stated above. You also want to avoid feeding your little friend any fruits. Tyler
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    What do you collect?

    Now I feel like a little kid, I collect Legos and Nerf guns, I mainly like the Star Wars Legos and I always take apart the Nerf guns and take the air restrictors and stuff out of them to make them shoot alot farther lol. I'm also starting to collect and build black powder firearms. Just getting...
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    Facebook Shutting Down March 15!!!!

    I do like facebook, it keeps me in touch with old friends that have moved away or with some of my friends that have joined the army. So its kinda nice to be able to talk to them through it and see picture of their families and the places they are at. Other then that I could care less. Tyler
  6. S

    Facebook Shutting Down March 15!!!!

    Ya its not real, infact Facebook has announce that in 2012 they are planning on going public, read an article on CNN about it yesterday. Also I find it pretty cool that you are homeschooled. I was homeschooled since kindergarden. I wish I could be homeschooled for college haha. Tyler
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    Tortoise Bump Picture

    It does look like an old abcess that burst and hardened up. How long has your tort had it? Tyler
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    Falcons and Hawks

    Thanks PB, I plan on going and getting the book on my way home from school today. I'm sure I will probably have more questions so you will probably hear from me at some point lol. Tyler
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    Falcons and Hawks

    Wow thanks for all the info. Makes me want to get into it even more now. I am planning on waiting for a bit though because I am in college at the moment and after college I'm not sure if I will be living in Ohio or Colorado so as of right now I am just doing all the research I can. Tyler
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    Falcons and Hawks

    Just wondering if anyone has kept any hawks or falcons. I have been thinking about getting into it but I want to make sure I know everything I can before I do anything. Tyler
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    Turtle Care Help

    Sadly yes, I have talked to store managers and even a store owner before to tell them otherwise but still no change. Tyler
  12. S

    Turtle Care Help

    I do see the confusion as most pet stores around where I am atleast sell them marked as Russian "Box" Tortoise. I do agree that a picture to confirm would be nice. Tyler
  13. S

    A new home for my Russians

    Looking very nice, can't wait to see it with you little friend in it. Tyler
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    Skiing or Snowboarding?

    Skydiving I have always wanted to try, plan on it sometime. I would also like to scuba but I never learned to swim so it is kinda hard. Next time I can make it to a slope I plan on trying snowboarding. Tyler
  15. S

    Skiing or Snowboarding?

    Hey everyone, so I just got back from skiing all day today as a christmas gift from my girlfriend, it got me to thinking how many of you out there like to go skiing or snowboarding? If so what are your favorite places to go to? Tyler
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    New RT need help

    No Iceberg is very bad, don't feed them Iceberg. Tyler
  17. S

    New Russian Enclosure Build

    Looking very nice, you are a very good carpenter. Tyler
  18. S

    Two New Addittions!!

    Ya they were pretty good about it, were very nice as well so I was pleased with the way it turned out. Well I am glad they were able to be talked out of a Sulcata but it still makes me sad to see people buy these poor little animals because there little child thinks they are cute. I guess I...
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    Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!

    Well it now being 1:30 A.M. on Christmas day I thought I would just say to everyone Merry Christmas and Happy Honukkah! Hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy the time you get with your loved ones. Tyler
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    My Kind Of Sign (Warning: Politically Controversial)

    Awsome, I have to show this to my brother now lol. Tyler