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    Sulcata in OH

    Hey everyone, saw this today, 18" Male Sulcata in Loveland OH, didn't know if anyone might be interested. Not sure what care its getting but by the pictures it looks like it is being kept in a room in someones house so I'm not sure. Tyler
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    Anybody awake yet?

    Mine woke up way to early last year so I kept them in this year. Tyler
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    Fluval Canister Filters

    I would also like to see that setup sometime if you dont mind, it sounds really nice. I have always liked Fly-River Turtles. I'm doing more work on the filter, right now its staying clear but not as clear as I would like. I plan on getting a Loggerhead Muck Turtle at some point so I am trying to...
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    New from Ohio

    Welcome! What part of Ohio are you from? I'm from down in the Cincinnati area. Tyler
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    Have you been soaking her? Tyler
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    Fish Farming

    Helps that he lives in a small town as well. Hope it all works out for him. Thanks for all the info Laura! Tyler
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    Fish Farming

    I believe for human consumption, I think he was thinking Talapia. Tyler
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    Fish Farming

    Hey everyone, my brother asked me to ask around and see if anyone knew anything about fish farming. He was really looking for any information on it but mainly how to start and who to contact. So if any of you have information that would be awsome. Thanks in advance! Tyler
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    2001 Ford Expedition Get about 10-12 miles a gallon so not too bad. Dream car is a 1967 Chevy Impala though. Tyler
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    Fluval Canister Filters

    I hear that the carbon does nothing unless you have used meds in the water, I'm thinking about taking it out of mine soon. Tyler
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    Fluval Canister Filters

    Hey everyone, I have a Fluval 205 Canister filter for my 40 gallon breeder tank. Right now it only has one goldfish in it. I was wondering if anyone else had a filter like this and if so what media do you use and in what order do you have it in to make your water as clear as you can? The water...
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    help me determine what subspecies i have

    Sorry, I need to actually read once in a while lol. This may be able to help, Tyler
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    typical new years resolution

    Isn't that a controdiction in itself? if your resolution is to not make a resolution then you made a resolution right there. I'm so confused! lol Tyler
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    Thinking about getting one...

    Sounds good to me, I'm pretty sure I will go with a loggerhead musk turtle. Now I just need to figure out aquarium setup, car, and where to get one lol. Tyler
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    help me determine what subspecies i have

    All look Russian to me. Tyler
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    Turtle smugglers caught in Los Angeles

    Is it just me or does it look like there are two Fly River Turtles in the first picture? Tyler
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    Thinking about getting one...

    One thing I worry about is they are called Musk turtles, do they have a bad smell worse then a normal turtle would normally have? Tyler
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    LOOK WHAT I FOUND.......

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    Sorry I thought they did, I don't know much about them yet :P Tyler
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    Welcome to the forum! I would suggest a Russian Tortoise, Hermmans Tortoise, or a Lepord Tortoise. They are all fairly easy to care for and stay pretty small. Make sure you do all your research before getting one. This is a wonderful site that has alot of helpful people so feel free to ask any...