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  1. S

    Music and Attitude?

    Haha this is my one hobby between working and going to college. I get to spend time with my little friend so it makes me happy. haha I actually will, sounds good to me. Not very loud at all, I love my Sophie and really didn't want to hurt her. Tyler
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    Music and Attitude?

    That is one that I have not tried. I'm sure there are a lot more out there that I still need to try. At the moment I am trying Christmas music since that is most of what is on the radio this time of year lol.
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    Music and Attitude?

    So over the past year I have been doing somewhat of an experiment with my little RT friend Sophie. Its nothing big but what I have been doing is just playing difforent types of music and watching to see if Sophie had any reaction. The only reason I have taken so long with it is to make sure none...
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    New Russian Rescue

    Poor guy, glad to see he is in good hands now though. Still makes me sad that people just go out and buy these little critters because they think they are "easy" to care for then when they get bored with them just throw them out. Really makes me sick and mad at the same time. Tyler
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    Making a new enclosure.

    thanks lol, it was an upgrade from my first tort I got when I was five, her name was Pal lol :P
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    Making a new enclosure.

    if its just for Rambo that sounds like plenty of room, for depth you will want to make sure you can have atleast 3-4 inches of substrate so that he can dig plus enough so that he can't climb out, I keep my Sophie in an enclosure with about 12" of depth. One other idea that you could do is have...
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    Wanted: CB RT or Rescued RT

    hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew of any place near Cincinnati Ohio that has CB Russian Tortoise or a Rescued RT preferably female. I have been looking for a little friend to join my Sophie and I kinda have a fondness to getting Rescues and giving a them a good home since they did...
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    How much room does he need?

    That would work pretty well lol, if you are wanting to keep humidity in you can always have him add some plexi glass to the top of it, just make sure your lights are not to close, they will melt the glass lol. Tyler
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    Good idea, I'm sure everything will be fine for the time being. Tyler
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    How much room does he need?

    just sitting on a white fold out table that you can get from walmart. I went trash picking and found it actually lol. Still looked really good and cleaned up well. I did have to re-enforce the back of the book case with plywood because the cardboard backing it normally comes with does nothing...
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    I personally stray away from undertank heating sorces just because I feel that it gets to hot and might burn my tort, but I have never heard of it actually hurting them, just my personal opinion. I highly doubt that it would ever catch fire to any of the substrate, especially because it is...
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    How much room does he need?

    It does not very well, the linoleum helps a bit but just about every day i have to soak everything down again. I get into the habbit when I give Sophie a soaking thought.
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    One quick easy way that I can think of to warm him up a little is just just use a normal lightbulb, they still put off a little heat. Im sure that it is not to cold, the temps would have to be in the 40s to do any real damage or really even just give him a cold. He will probably be fine for now...
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    It could be but i doubt it to be the pellets. I have never really had them before so I'm not sure. I doubt it is harmfull for him unless it is cold, cold and wet is very bad.
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    what type of enclosure do you have him in? if it is a glass tank then the air flow through it isn't that good so what it might be is the moisture in the substrate evaporating from the heatlamp, that would explain the mist. For the smell it might just be the moist substrate that you are smelling...
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    The "white mist" isn't mold is it? I have never noticed the substrate have any smell in my 14 years. I assume since you stir it up you havn't found any hidden poo that might be the cause. The only smell that I can think of is since you are getting Rambo on a new diet that you might be smelling...
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    Hello Everyone

    sorry it took me so long to get these pictures up, and sorry if I go a little picture crazy lol. The enclosure, My wonderful little friend Sophie, This is one of my best friends that is sadly not with me anymore, I will always have hopes that I will still find her one day. This is my first...
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    How much room does he need?

    Hi Tyler cah you post some pic's so we can check it out:) sorry it took me so long to get these up, long day at school, The dimentions are 72" long, 30" wide, 11 1/2" deep.
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    sex of my sons russian tortoise

    here is something that might be able to help you a little, If you do post picture im sure you will get a pretty definate answer.
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    How much room does he need?

    Ya I will get some pics up as soon as I can, Im at school right now and don't have any good picture on my computer or phone.