advice needed

  1. C

    Is my humidity too high for my Herman’s Tortoise?

    Hi there, So my little tort is a 3 year old Herman’s tortoise and after a recent visit to the vets I have him in new vivarium. However I’m noticing that the humidity is really high (mid to high 70s sometimes 80) firstly is this too high? (I’m finding online info very contradictory. And secondly...
  2. J

    Female Russian behavior

    Hi I have a one female Russian tortoise and a male Russian tortoise living together in a tank. Neither one of the tortoises have shown aggression to each other they have both been very nice to each other no head banging no ramming of their shell no hissing no biting. The only thing here...
  3. peanuts_mama

    Rescue Advice

    Hi, I hope I am not judged too harshly.. I’m really trying to help this little lady… so I’ve had what I assume to be an Eastern Box Turtle for about 3 years now. Long story short I was babysitting her for a druggie and then once I learned how poorly they kept her I did not return her (or their...
  4. Eden

    questions to determine if i can possibly care for a tortoise. informed answers only, please.

    hi carers, i am completely new here and my name is Eden. i live in Bournemouth (in the south of England) and am hopeful that one day i may be able to care for a tortoise. it is very unlikely to be any time soon, possibly even a decade from now, as i want to make sure that i can ensure a...
  5. T

    Shell Chipping?

    Hi friends! We have a Russian Tortoise and recently noticed that a piece of the back part of his shell chipped off. He's pretty active now but he had a rough start when we rescued him a year ago (malnourished, didn't move legs, no UVB, etc.) so we attributed the chip to climbing or something. He...
  6. C

    Little Desert Tortoise in the Lakewood/LB Area

    Hello all! I am hoping to pick the brains of a few members here who seem to really understand desert tortoises so that I can raise my baby right! I recently received what I think is a gopherus agassizii from a neighbor whose tortoises accidentally bred. He (I say he for now just to make life...