advice needed

  1. L

    Emergency Lighting

    Hi, So, I have a bit of any emergency, the light for my russian tortoise went out, but because he's new and I got him from a friend, I have no idea what bulb she was using. About 2 days ago the light went out and hasn't turned back on. I'm managing to keep my torotise warm by letting him walk...
  2. D

    Help creating a turtle pond in Charleston SC for local wild box turtles that visit my yard often

    This is my first time ever doing anything like this. I have the pond dug, it's 570 gallons or right now, I will probably enlarge it some too. There's a deeper portion in the middle that's 2 feet right now maybe make it 3, and the 9ftx7ft rest of the pond is about a foot and has some sloping...
  3. N

    HELP! Need Input on Desert Tortoise Hatchling Enclosure

    Hi guys, I am new here. I have done tons of research on this forum but I still have some questions to make sure I’m doing everything correctly. I am going to explain how I plan on setting up its enclosure until it gets big/old enough to have it outside. The desert tortoise I have is a hatchling...
  4. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

  5. T

    What is he?

    Hey everyone, I’m looking for some identification advice. I’m not sure what species my tortoise is. I inherited him and i’m not sure of his backstory. I love him to absolute bits and I just want to know how best to care for him. Everywhere I seemed to look, I could only find the tortoises that...
  6. JavaAndTurts

    Needing help (deformed beak?)

    Just bought a month old sulcata born may 26 he keeps his mouth open and kinda breaths weird. I have had turtles but never a tortoise but did do research and the lady told me that his mouth will be open because he is a month old and has to get those jaw muscles going. (I have never heard of that)...
  7. J


    Hello ! I am Jessica ! I am going to be a new owner of a little RF tortoise in the near future! I am doing my own in-depth research and I would love some recommendations and advise on what types of substrates, high calcium plants (food), water bowls, humidifiers, heating lamps , ect! Please let...
  8. N

    Florida Red Foot Outside

    Hey y'all! First post on here and im so excited i found this forum. I live in south florida and have a red foot tortoise that we are looking to move outside. I havent had the yard to be able to give him the outside life he deserves so im so excited for him to thrive outside. Im looking for...
  9. goldcoin93

    Central Florida - Indoor - Advice

    I live in Central Florida. After doing some research, I noticed that one of the most commons mistakes is not having enough humidity (80%) in the enclosure for Red-Footed tortoise and other species. Our AC is running around 72-69 F from 6pm-7pm to 6am-7am. After that the house is kept at 76 F...
  10. M

    Help with red foot tortoise care

    I am about to get 2 baby red foot tortoises, any tips and advice for them? And what is a good enclosure?
  11. C

    Please advise on lighting controllers and lamps.

    Hello This thread is about my families tortoise Terry. He is meditaranean and I think Greek. I can find his detail soon by talking to my mum. Recently we have been having trouble with the uv lights. We regularly let him roam the house and sometimes outside in summer. What we have: Infra red...
  12. S

    Baby tortoise back leg ROTTING. PLEASE HELP

    My baby red foot tortoise is having problems with her back leg. I’m scared a lizard might have attacked her while in her enclosure outside. Her back right leg is completely missing claws and the skin is peeling off. I’ve been washing the area with baby soap and applying Betadine solution and...
  13. TortillaTortoise1

    Thoughts on plans for my new Tortoise Enclosure?

    My Tortoise (Tortilla) has just turned 3 and has rapidly outgrown the first enclosure that we made for her. I've asked around on the forum and apparently, she is already quite large for her age. The plan: I have chosen a space for her enclosure (About 3 ½ feet by 7 ½ feet.) Her substrate will...
  14. J

    Help needed

    What’s this on my tortoises shell? Help? My horse field tortoise is 13, I was just giving her/him (not sure on gender lol) a bath and noticed this on there shell, he’s been pretty lazy the last few days just sleeping and not really eating. Not sure if it’s maybe abit of shell rot? Or just a...
  15. DerinLovesYoshi

    Sould I panic? I live in an obscure part of an island and we do not have any reptile vets. Could this just be shedding?

    I asked a sort of professional and he said that Yoshi could be shedding and that it's normal in spring season. Altough i am worried that it might be a fungal infection. Yoshi is a rescue tortoise and has an outdoor enclosure. I have been busy with exams and I am ashamed to say it but I couldn't...
  16. N

    HELP Red Eared Slider Swollen eye, won’t go down!

    Hi. I have a red eared slider turtle. She’s 26, and about a month ago she woke up from hibernation and we noticed one of her eyes with swollen lids. Took her to the vet. They did tests and told us it’s an edema, not an bacterial infection, most likely only swelling. Also I don’t think is...
  17. M

    New Hermann Carer - looking for advice and reassurance!

    Hi everyone! New Hermann's owner here looking for some advice. There's so much information online and given at local reptile centres that we've become really confused. We want to make sure he's got the best possible environment and life so I'm hoping you'll be able to help! He's a Hermann's...
  18. elel

    Tortoise not eating?

    Hey! Lately I've become quite concerned of my tortoise ): We took him out of hibernation 8 days ago on sunday. On sunday he seemed usual to me, like what he's always been after hibernation. He went in his water container, drank some and then went to sleep, wasn't awake too much. Now he has eaten...
  19. betweenshells

    New Redfoot Tortoise - is she healthy? any tips?

    Hi everyone, I just got a new redfoot tortoise. She was living in pretty bad conditions, in a chicken coop here in central Texas for who knows how long. I believe she is about 2 years old. She has shell rot on the bottom of her shell and has mild pyramiding. My brother has had her for 6 months...
  20. K

    Burmation Advice

    I’ve had my tort for 2.5ish years now and he is around 3/4. I have previously not burmated(?) them before as I am first time owner, so just ensured the temps all year round as didn’t want to risk him not waking. I will soon be moving and there is discussion over the cost of heating the table...