leopard tortoise

  1. Beetle_Rain

    Good news, bad news

    Hi everyone I wanted to start this post with some bad news. Some of you may remember I made a post early May about my leopard tortoise Kimchi being too small for his age and I continued to do everything I could for him. Unfortunately it wasn’t enough he just couldn’t push past 50 grams and...
  2. T

    Healthy weight for leopard tortoise

    Hi, my leopard tortoise is 4 months old today and I weighed him for first time he is 32 grams is it okay? How do I know what’s healthy weight?
  3. coolnewbugs

    Leopard tortoise mouth injury/problems

    Hi everyone, I recently returned home from college for a few weeks, and was spending some time with my 15 year old leopard tortoise that my mom has been looking after while I've been away. She is very personable and active, eats very well, and lives in our back yard here on the central coast...
  4. Beetle_Rain

    Is my leopard tortoise to small for its age?

    Hi I got my leopard tortoise from a breeder at Repticon January 21st of this year and his first documented weight was 43 grams it’s now a little over three months later and he’s only about 2.25 inches long and he kind of fluctuates between 46 and 50 grams. I was not told a hatch date so I’m...
  5. A

    Advice good or bad welcome!

    Hi all, in need of advice, I’ve recently taken in a leopard tortoise from someone I know, he’s roughly 4 years old and has some bad pyramiding. He was in a small vivarium and I’ve recently built him a new enclosure. He’s not happy and not coming out but think it’s going to take some getting used...
  6. Beetle_Rain

    Food suggestions for leopard tortoise!

    Hi! I wanted to share everything I provide for my baby Leopard Tortoise it’s going to be a long list but I’d like to know if anyone thinks I am missing anything important or need to take anything out! Fresh greens: - endive - escarole - arugula - hibiscus leaves - spring mix (spinach removed) -...
  7. Kimchi’s meal 1/1/24

    Kimchi’s meal 1/1/24

    Really enjoyed todays meal! Kale, hibiscus leaves, arugula, mazuri LS pellets, and a small cactus bloom
  8. Beetle_Rain

    Our current enclosure!

    Hi I wanted to share my baby’s current enclosure and maybe get some feed back on how I can improve! He currently lives in a 4 foot by 2 foot custom built wooden enclosure the inside is lined with plastic then a garden fabric to keep the moisture in along with a completely covered top! This gives...
  9. Beetle_Rain

    Hi everyone!

    Hi everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself to the forum finally! I am a first time leopard tortoise mom but have had many reptiles and turtles before this! I have had my baby boy Kimchi (just assuming he’s still to young to fully tell) for almost 3 months and I hope that I’m doing everything...
  10. biochemnerd808

    Leopard tortoise 3 yr old female 2000g+

    This is the last of the leopard tortoise babies I raised, and my favorite. Has always been the biggest! She is 9.5" SCL and weighs a little over 2000g, with new growth showing at the seams. Going to be huge, her Mama is over 20" SCL. Hatched Dec 2020, got her Jan 2021. I raised her in a closed...
  11. Coconikki


    Here is my enclosure. Just verifying what light strength, size, brand for UVB I should be using?? I am currently using Arcadia ProT5 UVB 14% 24 inch I have slight Pyramiding. Humidity is at 70% My tortoise is a year old 408 grams. **currently residing in South Dakota relocating to North...
  12. Coconikki

    Healthy Eyes?

    Hello! My Leopard Tortoise will be a year old Feb 15. Currently weighs 379 grams. Does its eyes look healthy? I noticed the area surrounding the black part of the eye? And wondered if this so normal? Its eyes have always been like this since I got him/her in May of last year. *Temps/ Humidity...
  13. baileypete

    Male or female?

    I've had Victor for almost 4 years now, and am wondering the gender. I think male? But I'm not sure.
  14. Coconikki

    Boy or girl?

    Hello! My Leopard Tortoise will be a year old in February. Just wondering if anyone could take a guess on the sex? Still too young? His/her tail almost always looks like this in the photo! Thank you.
  15. Coconikki

    Worm in enclosure

    Hello! I have posted before asking about a tiny worms I found in my Leopard Tortoise enclosure. This evening I found this worm. It’s seemed bigger than the others I found previously. Could it be a garden worm of some type?? I do purchase local organic greens and I do my best to rinse well before...
  16. V

    Leopard Tortoise Shellrot on Plastron?

    He's my first tortoise and is a few months over 1 year old. I went a bit too long letting him live in his hatchling terrarium that was too small (I've recently rehoused him into an awesome gigantic diy enclosure I'm really happy with) and since it's got colder and I couldn't take him out to...
  17. Coconikki

    Worms in substrate

    Hello! I was doing enclosure maintenance on my Leopard Tortoise enclosure this evening and noticed these tiny worms in the substrate under the Orchid bark. They look almost iridescent with a dark line/vein going through their bodies. I have a lens that amplifies photos for my phone so I was able...
  18. J

    Just some pics of my little dudes

  19. Coconikki

    Bump/Dip Leopard tortoise shell

    Hello! I have a Leopard Tortoise almost 7 months old. 161 grams. I notice there seems to be a bump or a dip towards the back of the shell above the tail area? Can you see it, is this something to be of concern or normal? Temps/Humidity are all within range. I check daily. Arcadia UV, radiant...
  20. biochemnerd808

    Pure SPP leopard tortoise, 18 months old

    This beautiful 1.5 year old, 550g pure SPP leopard tortoise needs a new home. Known parents feom a reputable breeder. I raised it from 1 week old, and it's smooth and perfect. It spent the first year in a closed chamber, high humidity habitat. Daily soaks, natural UV during warm season...