new and questions

  1. J

    New refoot owner

    Hello! I’ve been looking into getting a red foot tortoise, I am located in south florida and from my research figured this would be the best species for the area. I have already found a local breeder and plan to pick one up once we have everything ready but I’m finding so much conflicting...
  2. J


    Hello ! I am Jessica ! I am going to be a new owner of a little RF tortoise in the near future! I am doing my own in-depth research and I would love some recommendations and advise on what types of substrates, high calcium plants (food), water bowls, humidifiers, heating lamps , ect! Please let...
  3. B

    New Tortoise Enclosure For Red-Footed Tortoises

    Hi, I am making a new tortoise enclosure for red-footed tortoises that I will be getting soon. It will be 520 cm long, 210 cm wide, and 150 cm high. I live in Ireland, so it will be in an insulated shed. I am getting 3 females and 1 male. Could you recommend whether mercury vapour lights or full...
  4. L

    New Tortoise, New Everything

    Hi, I'm new to this site! I recently got a new tortoise, a Russian Tortoise I believe, from a friend who longer wanted it (she sorta just gave it to me) and I accepted because I want to take care of him. I soon realized that there is a lot that I don't know and the further research I did the...
  5. philjkeel

    Newbie Tortoise (Horsfield) owner looking for reassurance/advice please

    Hi All, I am a newbie member to the forum (in fact its my first time ever posting on any forum!) and to Tortoise ownership in general. We purchased Twig the Horsfield (which I think I am right in saying is aka a Russian tortoise) on 28th April and we think 'he' is approx. 6 months old. I wanted...
  6. P

    Newbie - Advice Appreciated!

    Hello everyone!! Super excited to finally be here. I’ve wanted to own a tortoise for quite some time now. My wife and I just bought our first home and I feel I can provide a tortoise with the environment/space that it needs and deserves. I live in South Georgia and I’m considering either a...
  7. Leo@2024

    Hi I am new to the forum!

    My wittle baby Leo/Louie has me so worried and fretting over him. My son and daughter in law gave us a 5/6 month old Calcutta he was the size of 1/2 dollar when they purchased him he has grown a inch or less in the last few weeks we have had him or her. I love this little guy so much already...
  8. M

    New Family Member

    Hello All, I'm after some advice please. I live in the Middle East and bought two tortoises from a pet shop, I was only going for one but the conditions they were being kept in were pretty poor. I got them home and they've got the run of the ground floor of the house with a heat lamp for...
  9. ArtemisRedFoot

    New redfoot owner -- enclosure set up help

    Hi! I am new Red foot owner and was wondering if someone with more experience could look over my current setup and give me pointers. I just got him a week ago. I've been browsing the forums and have been trying to update it where I can but am nervous there is still so much more I could do. I...
  10. W

    Hi Im new and looking for starter info.

    My new sulcata tortoise is about 8 weeks old. I'm terrified lol. How much humidity and how do I control it. I read to soak them then I read not to... I read don't change what they eat alot (they were feeding spring greens) then I read feed them what is good for them. Also spring greens has...
  11. marbalboy

    Really unsure of health

    I had to emergency rescue this tort from an awful living condition arrangement, but as a new tort owner….yeah. I do not think this hatchling looks healthy. What is wrong with it ? The shell…. It is behaving fairly normally, is very curious, and eats a little (although mostly from my hand)...
  12. J

    Help! I don’t know anything about my tortoise

    I got Novo from my friend who didn’t know what to do with him since she has cat. She doesn’t know his breed or if it’s he at all.. Can anyone help me if they know how to tell apart what type of tortoise he is to take better care of him? he is living in small house right now so I want to buy a...
  13. T

    Thuja , white cedar , arbor vitae within reach?

    I have a new to me Russian tortoise. Former owner told me she is a baby but I’m quite sure that is not true! She also told me she is a hybrid Russian x greek which also seems untrue. I am planning an outdoor enclosure and one ideal area has some smallish white cedars (thuja green giant) trees I...
  14. Coconikki

    New enclosure check !

    Hello! I am putting together a new enclosure for my baby Leopard tortoise arrival. It is a 48x24x24 -I am using a 32 inch Arcadia 14% UVB -75 watt Arcadia Halogen for basking currently reading 93 at the hotspot. -80 watt radiant heat panel for evenings to keep up temps. - substrate is coco coir...
  15. M

    New Hermann Carer - looking for advice and reassurance!

    Hi everyone! New Hermann's owner here looking for some advice. There's so much information online and given at local reptile centres that we've become really confused. We want to make sure he's got the best possible environment and life so I'm hoping you'll be able to help! He's a Hermann's...
  16. T

    I'm new and in need of some serious help!

    Inexperienced and in need of help!! Hi there, I'm a 17-year-old living at home with my mum and we have just come into possession of a tortoise. I did not advise getting a tortoise, as we have never had one, but my mother believed it would be fine and said we could rescue her anyway. She will...
  17. F

    New Russian tortoise and would like some help.

    I bought a Russian tortoise from pet smart. I talked to the managers at the store and they told me that their Russian tortoises we all CB and younger then a couple years. So I got the tortoise and I have been planning on getting a Tortoise for some time. But now that I have the Tito the tortoise...
  18. NewLilTortie

    Weight, length, age and sex?

    Hi, I got a Russian tortoise a few days ago. We were told he’s a male and around 3 years old. I weighed him today and he’s weighing 278g and has a straight she’ll length of approx 4cm, I will attach some photos. Does he look healthy? Seem the correct weight for his size and age etc? Thanks...
  19. C

    New to TortoiseForum.

    Hello and good afternoon! I am happy to now be a part of this community. I am about to become the very fortunate owner a 3-month old Testudo Kleinmanni. I have spent the last couple of months absorbing as much information about these little critters as I can, but I have a few questions that I...
  20. Flapjack

    New and Concerned Pancake owner.

    Hello, I want to make sure I am doing everything correctly. The more knowledge the better, right? I'm kind of worried about shell growth. I've had since December, im assuming he's about a year old now? I want to make sure I am doing enough. Shell on butt is curving upwards and doesn't look...