new and questions

  1. NewLilTortie

    Weight, length, age and sex?

    Hi, I got a Russian tortoise a few days ago. We were told he’s a male and around 3 years old. I weighed him today and he’s weighing 278g and has a straight she’ll length of approx 4cm, I will attach some photos. Does he look healthy? Seem the correct weight for his size and age etc? Thanks...
  2. C

    New to TortoiseForum.

    Hello and good afternoon! I am happy to now be a part of this community. I am about to become the very fortunate owner a 3-month old Testudo Kleinmanni. I have spent the last couple of months absorbing as much information about these little critters as I can, but I have a few questions that I...
  3. Flapjack

    New and Concerned Pancake owner.

    Hello, I want to make sure I am doing everything correctly. The more knowledge the better, right? I'm kind of worried about shell growth. I've had since December, im assuming he's about a year old now? I want to make sure I am doing enough. Shell on butt is curving upwards and doesn't look...
  4. Z

    Mother found hatchling please advise/ identify

    Hi all! My mother found a hatchling on our land in West Virginia and was determined to bring it home to Fort worth, Texas and care for it. I have no idea what species it is or how to care for it. I've been doing my best with Google results but I know how hit and miss that method is. Please help...
  5. TonytheTortoise_

    Need Help ;-; (no poop or pee??)

    Hey guys, so I recently got a Sulcata tortoise (Tony) from my boyfriend. A little background about Tony is that he was bought in Cali around 2020, lived with my boyfriend in Flagstaff, Az around late 2020 to early 2022, and now Tony is living with me in Yuma, Az. For timeline purposes, I got him...
  6. K

    New Greek Tortoise Mom

    Hey everyone! I’m sure I’ll have a lot more questions even though I’ve done hours of research in the past 4 days. I was at an expo and fell in love with my little girl. But I will be the first to admit it was an emotional buy and I was no where prepared for it! Please no hate I am doing my best...
  7. L

    New Leopard Tortoise Owner

    Hello everyone! I am the new owner of a 2.5 inch Leopard Tortoise, his name is Tank. This tortoise was given to me by a friend but I have some concerns about his shell. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. His shell has a fair amount of white outlines toward the top and I...
  8. G

    Redfoot Restoration

    Never had a redfoot before but this guy came from a shitty pet store on Christmas Eve and his shells looking pretty dismal to say the absolute least, he’s staying wet and warm and someone said coconut oil on him will help but what else can we dooooooooooo, he’s been getting soaks and kinda eats...
  9. C

    New Desert Tortoise owner

    I recently received three hatchlings from a friend whos tortoise had a surprise clutch hatch. They haven't had her around the male for a couple years so they can hold the sperm for a loooong time. They didn't notice any nesting behavior either but all of a sudden baby tortoise were all over...
  10. H

    New to forums and torts

    Hello I’m to to forum and the tort game so I’m really hoping I put this in the right spot. I saved this guy/girl from petsmart and it just said “assorted Testudo tortoise” I took him to reptile store and the lady (who looked 12) just said it was a Testudo then. I’ve been doing my own research...
  11. V

    Help! I don’t know what to do!

    Hi there. I’ve had my sweet tortoise for about a year and a half now. I love him so so so much, and I’ve done so much research and tried my very best to care for him the best I can. But lately, he doesn’t seem right. He won’t eat, doesn’t want to even come out of his hide anymore. His eye...
  12. S

    New Cherry Head / Red Foot Hatchling—Enclosure

    We are about to be first-time tortoise owners / parents. We have purchased a CH/RF hatchling from Ryan at Southern Reptiles (he has been amazing, BTW). He has given us some great info for starting out, but would love to get some feedback on our choices. Here’s what we have ordered, so far: Zoo...
  13. Aaru.


    I have a star tortoise. It's my first time and i don't know his age as it was previously owned by someone else. He seems comfortable in the new environment and is friendly with all of us but i have noticed during his meal he makes a choking kind of sound. It happens once or twice every time he...
  14. M

    Tortoise identification! Please Help!!

    Hi everyone. My auntie and uncle have had two tortoises since before I was born nearly! (I’m 25) they have lived in there garden for the whole time with a small house to go in when they want shelter and warmth as we live in the UK, Liverpool). They hibernate outside. They have now given these...
  15. AmzBond

    Hello from Chesterfield - UK

    Hey all, I hope you are all staying safe. I’m looking into getting my step son a tortoise, ideally a hatchling. I had a tortoise previously but sadly had to re-home during my divorce. I’m rusty now, so any advice would be more than welcome. ideally best place to purchase table, accessories...
  16. L

    New sulcata owner. How to decrease humidity? HELP!

    Hi everybody! My names Lauren and I recently rescued a Sulcata Tortoise from being abandoned by a lake (his names Edison, eddy for short) The previous owner had him for a little over a year but didn’t want to take care of it anymore. I’ve never owned any kind of reptile before so this is a whole...
  17. Rlogreen

    Help Learning About Tortoise

    Hello, We recently rescued our tortoise from a friend who wasn’t taking the best care of her. We’ve had her for about 2 months, built a new enclosure, taken her to the vets and she’s definitely getting healthier and putting on a little weight. We have noticed these pale lines start to appear...
  18. R

    New to the tortoise world

    Hi, my name is Pascal. I live in northern California and have always wanted a turtle. Recently I have built a 100 gallon pond with a large basking and hide area as well. I was wondering what turtle I should get. I’ve had my sights on a mud turtle but I’m unsure if it’s a good starting turtle and...
  19. Bo's Mom & Dad

    New Marginated Tort Parents

    Hello everyone! My wife and I are new to the Forum, as well as being new tortoise parents to our favorite little guy, Bo! He just turned about 3 months old! Check out the picture, and you can see why we are head over heels for him! Since we are new, I wanted to see if we are doing things...
  20. pillowkale222

    what breed is my tort?

    hello, we have had our Reggie for over 3 years now, we got her from a family friend who was moving away. We had her in an enclosure but she kept scratching at itt and always got herself stuck trying to open the it! She currently lives on my bedroom floor, this is super contreversial I've seen...