70 gallon tote on sale at Home Depot - closed chamber setup option


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 3, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Central Arkansas (we moved!)
For those of you who have 'big' tortoise babies that still need a somewhat more humid enclosure but have outgrown their hatchling setups, Home Depot has these nice 70 gallon bins on sale right now that are big enough height-wise that you can install the lights inside, with only a small hole for the cable to run through the top of the lid.

You can cut a door hole in the front, maybe 7" up from the bottom, large enough to get the water dish in and out, and use zip ties to 'hinge' the door. If you want to add some insulation, set it on a styrofoam board and wrap it in that silver insulation bubble wrap stuff.... Tadaaa, easy closed chamber habitat. Not bad for $60.