A small update on my new leo

Reptilian Feline

Active Member
May 17, 2017
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Things are looking good so far. He eats well and is starting to show poop to match. I now have two playpens for him, one smaller box with high sides and one shoetray that fits in/on my sofa. I can hang some leaves from a clip in the smaller one and he tried to climb on top of that. I didn't know they could do that ! Hanging leaves seem to make him eat more so that is good. He doesn't care for lilac leaves, but loves clover, dandelion and rosy salad. I gave him a small wild strawberry as a treat. They are the size of a small pea. A treat like that once a week can't hurt.
I think he eats the woodlice I put in the tank as cleaners. They seem to disappear. This needs investigating!
No growth yet, but I am hopeful. I want to take him outside but the summer has been miserable so far. 20170629_190051.jpg 20170629_190122.jpg


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You do though correct have a proper enclosure that is closed with high temps and humidity correct?
The strawberry is a big no, specially for a little one. He won't no he's missing it, so don't give it. Play it safe, it does not do good things to their gut.

Reptilian Feline

Active Member
May 17, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Having two playpens are a great plus. The small one fits on the table and he can't get out so I can put him there when I clean out his enclosure and replace some of the plants. I do wonder what happens to the woodlice... they seem to go missing. Is he stuffing his face with his cleaners?! Naughty little tort! :p

He just loves opuntia cactus. I was lucky and got a piece for free from the local grosery store. It had fallen off the plant that was being sold (potted plant). I said I wanted to find out if my trot would eat it and the guy at the registry looked surpriced and then said yes. That means that if the little one gets to choose, the diet will consist of radicchio, clover and opuntia. It looks so funny when he digs into the radicchio and I'm holding it! He pulls so hard he losses his footing and his head goes all the way inside his shell! :D

I don't know how accurate the IR thermometer is, since it's pretty small and cheap and has a 1:1 ratio, but it does seem handy. I've tested it on the ground outside on a sunny day to pick the best spot and will use it to adjust the heat in the new enclosure.

Speaking of new enclosure... I found a tube light fixture from Hagen at my herp shop that is water proof and very nicely priced. I also bought an Exoterra reptisun 10.0 14W tube and that will fit inside the larger box I've got waiting at home. It will be easier to add plants in that one. The last plant I added was a sweet violet, but they end up rather bigger than the tiny little ones at spring, so my little leo found out he can climb! There will be better room for it in the larger box. I'll fit the CHE at one end, the flood light at the other, and the UVB tube along one of the sides. Just have to find out what hight.

He seem to be eating well, but hasn't gained any weight yet and I haven't seen him poop in his soaks this week. He doesn't want to soak at all, just climbs out, naughty little tort. The larger box should have him excersising more.

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