Amputation aftercare

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5 Year Member
Jul 26, 2012
Hi, I introduced myself and my tort Daffyd on the intro page, but figured this was the best place to post my query.
11days ago, Daf had to have his penis amputated following a recurring prolapse issue.
He's at home, and has been living in a hospital tank I set up using an old indoor guinea pig enclosure. He has newspaper and kitchen towels down at the minute, and I've rigged his uv lamp up at one end and put his hide in with him so he has somewhere to sulk! I'm trying to keep him at about 29degrees c, as I was advised to keep him warmer than normal but didn't want to overheat him, and he's been having soaks in warm water every other day.
I can still see tissue through the opening in his tail, and the whole area is swollen still. I've emailed our vet a picture to get his opinion, but thought I'd ask on here to find out if anybody else has been through this, and how long it took to heal?

On my intro thread, I was advised that he should stay on sterile bedding until his swelling goes down, so some idea of how long that should be would be great!
I took the whole hospital tank outside yesterday so he could at least see some natural sun, but I've not let him out on to the dirt.

Many thanks for any thoughts!


The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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First as a fellow male, tell the poor guy I feel his pain. Since I have never had any penis amputation in my tortoises, I can't say how long the swelling will take to go down, did the vet not give you a time frame?


New Member
5 Year Member
Jul 26, 2012
The vet said anywhere up to 2-3weeks, but i was thinking it should have at least started to close up and look a little more normal by now?
I'm possibly just being paranoid, but should I be worried for signs of possible infection? He has had long-action antibiotics, and I've disinfected his bath each time before we used it (but obviously flushed it out before we put him in!)
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