Anti-Bacteria/Parasite meal

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5 Year Member
Mar 7, 2012
today i was gettin some more coir at the LPS and i was looking at reptile stuff and noticed 2 separate bottles labeled Anti-Bacteria and Anti-Parasite meal they were both for Tortoises & Lizards, made by Jungle. what surprised me was that the parasite meal actually contained Metronidazole-(1%) Fenbendazole-(0.5%) and the bacteria meal Trimethoprim-(0.42%), Sodium Sulfadiazine-(0.22%)

Im wondering if anyone had used this stuff or had success. It sounds like the anti-parasite will treat both Nematodes and Protozoans. i have no idea what the anti-bacteria is supposed to do sep maybe treat Coccidia. is says i should start w/ the anti-bacteria and feed exclusively for 3weeks. the anti-parasite says 3 consecutive days, every week for 3 weeks. ive included some pics to help identify the product. i have already purchased some Safe Guard (equine 10% paste syringe) but this meal might be an easier way to administer. they both look like the TNT it's this green crushed up leafy matter.


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Why would you want to use these? Are your torts sick? Just wondering. I wouldn't give my animals any kind of meds. unless they were actually sick or infected with something. Is it suppose to be an all natural preventative? Hmmm, interesting. Hope someone has some experience with it, I'm interested in knowing myself:D Thanks for the post:)


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10 Year Member!
Jul 18, 2008
We have used both. We are huge fans of it. We use it on tortoises that we notice a weight loss and change in activity level but that are still eating. We don't use it like suggested, we use it as a sprinkle on top of their food for 3-4 consecutive days for 2 weeks. We have seen it turn tortoises around!! We have both in our cupboard! We tend to use the antiparasite meal most.


5 Year Member
Apr 13, 2010
I have seen it and similar products but I would never use it as you don't know if your getting the proper dose or not, you could be just making the parasites immune to it by low doses or harm your animal by high doses. If it's mixed you can never tell how much medicine is in each gram of feed, too many variables to trust it.

Mix it yourself with food and take away all doubt.


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5 Year Member
Sep 23, 2009
Too much variables when it comes to proper dosage - Doping an animal up for no good reason is something I avoid like the plague........

If there is an issue, treat it strategically with the proper medication and dosages, otherwise proper husbandry is all you need to keep any animal healthy......


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5 Year Member
Mar 7, 2012
it was relatively cheap and i plan on gettin a few more Russians in the future so i plan on doing some worming. i was a little skeptical about the dosage cuz it just said sprinkle on greens. i live far away from any reptile specific vet so any thing i can do at home w/ some OTC stuff (wich contains the same as the Rx stuff) and save some money and just have it for preventative measure. my pair of RT are acting normal but im pretty sure i saw some small white dots in one of their stools. i plan on gettin them all checked out when i get my new arrivals in so i dont have to make multiple trips to the vet. that and im gonna have to collect separate stool samples so i know which ones are infected, i'd just soon dose them all together but some ppl dont like giving them meds if they dont need it.


5 Year Member
Apr 13, 2010
You can do fecal exams yourself with a $40 microscope. Do a bit of research online and you will see how easy it is. Smear for worms or a float for eggs and flagilites, a dab of dye helps with the flagilites. SUPER EASY no one should have to pay to have it done. And when you do it yourself you tend to do it more often when you see something irregular like runny stool, not eating or acting sleepy.
Then progress to a bigger microscope and start looking at other things like bacteria.

Practice quarantine with new arrivals is highly suggested as well.
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