Baby Yellowfoot Eating Issue


New Member
May 2, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Clearwater, Florida
I acquired a baby yellowfoot tortoise from a reputable breeder last month. He was almost right out of the egg and still had the umbilical spot on the shell. At first he did not want to eat and I didn't really think much of it because I know they really don't start to eat until they have absorbed all of the egg contents. Now it is 3 to 4 weeks later and he noses at the food but acts like he cant open his mouth to get the food in his mouth. He is definitely interested in the food and can smell the food. Has anyone got any advice. I don't want to force feed but will if I have to keep him alive. I think it should be time for him to start eating. He is well hydrated and seems active.

Yvonne G

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Hi Mike:

I hatched out 3 YF eggs about 4 years ago, and I had trouble getting them to eat also. I bought several jars of Gerber strained baby food, the fruit flavors, especially the tropical fruit flavors. Then I chopped up the veggies and greens and dribbled the baby food over the greens. This got them started eating and now they eat everything.

Babies come up to the pile of food and nudge it with their nose, smelling what's there. If it doesn't smell like something they want to eat, they won't even give it a try. See if he'll eat with fruit baby food on the food.



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Mar 2, 2012
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I acquired a baby yellowfoot tortoise from a reputable breeder last month. He was almost right out of the egg and still had the umbilical spot on the shell. At first he did not want to eat and I didn't really think much of it because I know they really don't start to eat until they have absorbed all of the egg contents. Now it is 3 to 4 weeks later and he noses at the food but acts like he cant open his mouth to get the food in his mouth. He is definitely interested in the food and can smell the food. Has anyone got any advice. I don't want to force feed but will if I have to keep him alive. I think it should be time for him to start eating. He is well hydrated and seems active.
Have you tried worms? And how wet is it? These guys can be a lot like a baby box turtle when young. This is wherethey differ highly from red foots. Try a mix of greens, fruit(even baby food as Yvonne mentioned) mixed with crickets or worms and calcium blended up and plop it down on a little feeder plate. What's your set up like too? How warm, substrate that sort of thing?


New Member
May 2, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Clearwater, Florida
Hi Mike:

I hatched out 3 YF eggs about 4 years ago, and I had trouble getting them to eat also. I bought several jars of Gerber strained baby food, the fruit flavors, especially the tropical fruit flavors. Then I chopped up the veggies and greens and dribbled the baby food over the greens. This got them started eating and now they eat everything.

Babies come up to the pile of food and nudge it with their nose, smelling what's there. If it doesn't smell like something they want to eat, they won't even give it a try. See if he'll eat with fruit baby food on the food.

Yvonne thanks for the advice. I will go get some tropical fruit baby food and see if that does the trick. I will let you know how we progress.


New Member
May 2, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Clearwater, Florida
Have you tried worms? And how wet is it? These guys can be a lot like a baby box turtle when young. This is wherethey differ highly from red foots. Try a mix of greens, fruit(even baby food as Yvonne mentioned) mixed with crickets or worms and calcium blended up and plop it down on a little feeder plate. What's your set up like too? How warm, substrate that sort of thing?
Kelly thanks for the advice. I am going to try the baby food route and I will get some red worms and chop them up. He is on a coconut bedding material and in a small size aquarium with a hide box and a shallow water dish. He gets soaked almost every day and I keep the bedding moist but not saturated in the container.


New Member
May 2, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Clearwater, Florida
Ok I got some banana and some mango baby food. I mixed in good with romaine lettuce and small pcs of strawberries. He is definitely interested in it as he keeps going back to it but I have not seen him open his mouth and eat anything. He does push it all around with his nose though and is definitely interested. Any suggestions.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Mar 2, 2012
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Tropical South Texas
What kind I lighting do you have set up on him? That's really odd. How warm is it?
Ok I got some banana and some mango baby food. I mixed in good with romaine lettuce and small pcs of strawberries. He is definitely interested in it as he keeps going back to it but I have not seen him open his mouth and eat anything. He does push it all around with his nose though and is definitely interested. Any suggestions.

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