Best month for egg laying.

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5 Year Member
Jul 23, 2009
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Arlington TX.
Hey guys, I've read that the fall is the best time of year for a red-foot to lay eggs. I've had success in the fall and winter, but never in the warmer months. It's been in the high 80s and low 90s for a while now. We're having tons of rain, and my red-foots are mating like crazy. I'm yet to see any nesting, or nesting behavior. I've noticed that some of you are getting eggs at this time of year. I wonder if they're nesting when I'm not home, or in the mornings? Those of you who have nesting red-foots this time of year, are they nesting in the morning, or at night? Their pen is located way in the back of my yard, so it's possible I'm missing them. My box turtles are nesting every other night or so, you'd think I could catch a big red-foot, :). Anyone have any tips other than rain and warm temps to stimulate nesting? Here are some of my red-foots and pics of their enclosure.










The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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I didn't see any eggs, just evidence of egg making.


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I don't have a clue just wanted to say the photo's made me think of the clucking noise the male made when we were over there...:D:p


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Matt....nice enclosure and environment for your redfoots. No wonder they are breeding so much---they must be happy.

Although they may breed now I would not expect eggs until at least late August with northern redfoots. What you have heard is true, they are fall and winter egg layers. Over the years I have occasionally had them nest in August but usually mine began in September or October regardless of how much breeding activity I observed over the spring and summer. On the other hand I would also (rarely) get a nest or two in the early spring with my northern redfoots.
Cherryheads seem to differ in that they are not so fall oriented in their nesting and I get eggs from winter to as late as mid May with them. Some females of mine nest in the fall for a couple of clutches and then nest again in early spring. Cherryheads are a kind of redfoot that has tricked me numerous times with what they do and I still would not claim to have them figured out.


5 Year Member
Jul 23, 2009
Location (City and/or State)
Arlington TX.
cdmay said:
Matt....nice enclosure and environment for your redfoots. No wonder they are breeding so much---they must be happy.

Although they may breed now I would not expect eggs until at least late August with northern redfoots. What you have heard is true, they are fall and winter egg layers. Over the years I have occasionally had them nest in August but usually mine began in September or October regardless of how much breeding activity I observed over the spring and summer. On the other hand I would also (rarely) get a nest or two in the early spring with my northern redfoots.
Cherryheads seem to differ in that they are not so fall oriented in their nesting and I get eggs from winter to as late as mid May with them. Some females of mine nest in the fall for a couple of clutches and then nest again in early spring. Cherryheads are a kind of redfoot that has tricked me numerous times with what they do and I still would not claim to have them figured out.

Thanks Carl. I'm not sure if there was any breeding activity during the winter in their heated enclosure, so I wasn't sure if I should expect any at this time of year. I have a feeling that I'll be getting a ton of eggs later this year. Thanks for the nice words on the enclosure. I basically just left the area as-is, planted some cannas, built some watering holes, and slapped a fence around it. They have tons of space from each other and a lot of hiding places. You don't see them much, but it sounds like I have a bunch of chickens running around in there, ha! Thanks again for the information Carl.


Redfoot NERD

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Dec 5, 2007
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Just goes to show you about those that claim to have nesting redfoot tortoises this time of year.. where are the pics next to a local 'dated' newspaper???

My virgin female that mated in early May ( see date in pic ) -


..made eggs in late July - ( first nest ever.. that I found anyway ) -


That's the way to create an enclosure - create/provide what they need and put a fence around it! When they are happy they make babies!!! GOOD JOB Matt

I'm with Carl about those Brazilian creatures.. even tho' I have limited experience [ compared to the little I have with the Northerns ] they are absolutely a different breed of ".carbonaria".
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