Borris's new home


New Member
Dec 27, 2013
So after being repeatedly told that my horsfield borris wasn't in a suitable enclosure I went ahead and revamped it.

There it is I added top soil and a plant in the back also I moved the spot to one side as well as place a tile under the soil as to conduct heat.

After all this Borris still acts as he did and doesn't seem to come out at any time but he will come out for about an hour to eat and then goes back to his hole that he has dug.

Atm he is shedding his skin which I've read I should leave so I'm doing that. I find it still strange but he is still scared of me. He let's me pet his head but if he sees my finger he retreats back into his shell.


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He is very tiny. How long have you had him? Tortoises can take months to adapt to new enclosures. You have just changed his world around, so I am afraid you are back at square one. Keep a regular timed routine going and resist the temptation to stand over watching him :)


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My leopard that I have had for three years and who is very friendly, still will pull his head in when I go for him from above or if my shadow goes on him. If he comes right back out and let's you pet his head, he's not really all that afraid of you. Maybe a little more light on the enclosure, so it looks more like a sunny day will bring him out a little longer. If he is very young, well, then it's a baby thing that they sleep a lot.


New Member
Dec 27, 2013
I got him at Christmas I believe he is about 7 month old he has grown quite a bit since then as his shell has growth marks.

What can I use to give him more light without overheating him?

I'm just worried about him but I guess your right about him being young so is most likely just sleeping.

Thanks :)


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I got him at Christmas I believe he is about 7 month old he has grown quite a bit since then as his shell has growth marks.

What can I use to give him more light without overheating him?

I'm just worried about him but I guess your right about him being young so is most likely just sleeping.

Thanks :)

Any house bulb or incandescent bulb. What are the basking temps and cool side temps?


The Dog Trainer
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Sounds like totally normal behavior for a baby. It would be abnormal for him to put himself out in the open and exposed to "predators" all day.

Most torts become acclimated and unafraid by 3-4 years of age, as long as nothing too traumatic happens. Hand feeding can help them "like" you more.

For more light a simple florescent tube bulb will work very well. You can run one the length of the whole enclosure. If you wanted to you could use a reptile UV tube too. It won't hurt anything, and if its close enough, the UV will benefit him/her.

... and I like what you've done with the place. Looks good.