Building encloser


New Member
Jun 29, 2015
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We will be building a new enclosure for our two Russian Tort's. We currently have a 2x4 enclosed with glass bottom and sides. We have a heating pad under the glass to help keep our girls warm, but what I would like to know can we build a wooden encloser and still put a heating pad underneath the wood? Or is there something else that we could use?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Nov 2, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
southeast Washington
Are your tortoises adults? You need to separate them into two enclosures. Do you live in a climate where you could build an outdoor enclosure, a very large one or two separate ones, where they can spend at least part of their time? They need overhead heat and UVB. A mercury vapor bulb will provide both. Russians need very large enclosures, 4 x 8' is recommended for indoors. And that is for one tortoise. Check out the Russian tortoise section, at the top of the section is a cure sheet. Also check out the enclosures section for some ideas.


Jul 3, 2015
We will be building a new enclosure for our two Russian Tort's. We currently have a 2x4 enclosed with glass bottom and sides. We have a heating pad under the glass to help keep our girls warm, but what I would like to know can we build a wooden encloser and still put a heating pad underneath the wood? Or is there something else that we could use?
Torts dig down to cool off so an heating pad is counterintuitive for them, if you need extra heat I would suggest either put the mat on the SIDE of the new enclosure OR buy a new lamp fixture and put a ceramic heating element (CHE) in it to boost the temp. So, if you have an mvb and Che plus a mat on the side unless you live in a cold basement like I do your temps should be good. Invest in an heat gun, best purchase I made.

I agree that 1. You need to separate them and 2. You need to double, if not quadruple your current size...I'm working up to this myself with a baby hermanns. :p

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