Building Project: Opinions needed. (pokes Tom)

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5 Year Member
Apr 1, 2013
Hi All,

So, here is the deal...I recently have acquired several more torts taking my total to five. I have literally gutted my basement, and need to map out a plan to construct enclosures to house my torts. They are a very diverse group at the moment, comprised of 1.1 Adult cherry heads, 1.1 juvenile northern het redfoots, and a hatchling cherry head. Obviously, the hatchling is off in the chamber for a long while. I plan in the near future to add to both groups, the Northerns and Cherries. So, I would like to construct a setup made for long term, and nothing that will need to be enlarged later as they all grow in size and numbers.

Being in a nice, unfinshed open spaced basement for the winter gives me alot of flexibility space wise. What I am having problems with is committing to a plan of how to map out the spaces for each group. Initially I was thinking to make a 12'x6' or a 12'x8' area and make it into two halves for each of the groups, but i can easily go larger, more so on the length then the width.

I was thinking to make open/semi open tables, via constructing small tort sheds for their humid hides. Set up natural grazing areas, misting systems etc in the open areas. The endless possibilities I have space wise are making me more indecisive and unsure. Dont wana go too big, not too small, etc etc.

Anyhow, Id like opinions from you all of how you would approach setting up two separate areas for these two groups? At maximum i would ever increase each group size would be 8 torts per group. Give me some ideas please, as ive got to get this stuff all built.

Thanks for any input


Blank canvas.


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Levi the Leopard

10 Year Member!
Oct 1, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Southern Oregon
I don't keep Redfoots but I'd like to make sure I understood your enclosure sizes correctly.
Keeping a 1:1 ratio (for now) in a 12' x 8' ? And a second 1:1 ratio in a separate 12' x 8'? With the possibility of both these groups going up to 8 each? Did I get it correct?
This is only winter housing? or year around housing?

If year around, it's my opinion that those sizes will not do. I have a 17' x 8' pen for 1 Russian! I can't imagine 2 adult Redfoots in there. I have a 20' x 6' that I would still think is too small for what you want.
If it were me I'd make them as long and wide as you have room for. No one (that I know of) has ever regretted making the enclosures "too big". Too many regret not making it bigger! :D

If this is winter only housing than I still say go bigger. It's always possible to house them in less space but bigger is better without a doubt :D

Happy building!

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mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
The bigger the better . I would make it keeper friendly. If its longer than wider should be easier to clean . If you post pics of your space maybe someone can map it out for you .

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Active Member
5 Year Member
Apr 1, 2013
Team Gomberg said:
I don't keep Redfoots but I'd like to make sure I understood your enclosure sizes correctly.
Keeping a 1:1 ratio (for now) in a 12' x 8' ? And a second 1:1 ratio in a separate 12' x 8'? With the possibility of both these groups going up to 8 each? Did I get it correct?
This is only winter housing? or year around housing?

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Yessum, you have it all right, but can go up as high as 15'x8'. This is just a winter thing, im in NJ so ya know how it gets here In summer i have a big outdoor space for them to roam as well.
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