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5 Year Member
Mar 5, 2009
Sorry I've not looked through many posts. I'm just getting used to the forum, but how much should I be feeding my tortoises, they seem to eat everything?!!

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Hi Turtlegirl73: You're very lucky that your two Hermann's tortoises will eat everything. I noticed in one of the pictures that you are feeding them iceburg lettuce. There is hardly any nutritive value in this type of lettuce. The dark, leafy greens are best: endive, escarole, turnip greens, dandelion greens, kale, mustard, etc. I feed as much as they'll eat. If they move away from the feeding station and there is a little bit of food left, then that's the way I like it. If they eat it all up and are looking for more, I haven't given them enough. In the wild, they will graze all morning until the sun gets too hot. Then they go inside and come out again in early evening to graze some more. They eat as much as they want to, or as much as they are able to find. I don't have Hermann's, but I do have Russians. I also give them some zucchini, yellow squash, banana squash, bell pepper and a little cucumber. But mostly, they just graze on whatever is growing in their pen.



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Aug 21, 2007
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Well you are in the right place that's for sure. try looking at http://tortoiseforum.org/thread-5823.html It gives a pretty extensive list of types of food your Hermans should enjoy. And as Yvonne pretty much said how much to feed. As each tort is different you just have to gauge it for your torts.
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