
Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2020
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You are not alone. I just find it odd. A chicken really can't hurt you. Its all flapping and intimidation. A dog can actually do some real damage. Even a small dog.

Working with all sorts of animals for a living, I ponder these things. For example, people who are afraid of roaches, and totally freak out if they see one. There isn't a more harmless animal on the planet. They can't bite or sting you, they don't carry diseases, and in fact they prevent disease by cleaning up our messes. They couldn't hurt you even it they wanted to, yet people go into full blown panic in their presence. Same with non-venomous harmless little snakes. A little girl can be holding a corn snake, and grown intelligent adults literally go into a full blown panic on sight. I've had people freaking out because there is an empty snake bucket present. EMPTY! (We use 5 gallon buckets with secure screw top lids to transport them sometimes.)

Everybody has their things, I suppose...
Haha yea, they dont scare me, it was more of an unfortunate first impression ?
10 or so years ago I worked at petsmart and I loved holding all the snakes and getting those reactions from some people. I love them! I used to go catch snakes in the woods behind my house when I was little. Lots of little grass snakes. But once I came home with a baby copperhead and my dad put an end to that lol.

And oh yea, I've been bit seriously and put out of commission 2 times in the 11 years I've been grooming. One was a boarder collie that already had severe anxiety and it was day after July 4th(not a smart move on the owner's part and no warning was given to me... occupational hazard ?‍♀️). He latched onto my hand and basically hung from it and thrashed. Fun times. The second was from a 7 ish pound schnauzer ? sweet for everything but nails. Then hes a cujo and so so big lol. He surprised me and bit and his canines went right through my fingers. I had a hole all the way through the bottom of my index finger... couldnt use it for a pretty good while because my whole hand was swollen. Crazy!

I do admit to not liking roaches, but they don't bother me really. Just dont want them in my house haha.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Life is finding a way... 4 of the 6 eggs are developing. I'm going to give the other two a few more days.



Anyone here familiar with hatching chicks? It would be great to have someone with experience to talk to for all those little questions that come up.

Chubbs the tegu

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May 9, 2019
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Life is finding a way... 4 of the 6 eggs are developing. I'm going to give the other two a few more days.

View attachment 290501

View attachment 290502

Anyone here familiar with hatching chicks? It would be great to have someone with experience to talk to for all those little questions that come up.
Really cool.. hope you get some new chicks out of these eggs.


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Sep 6, 2011
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How old were you? My daughter used to be afraid of the cocky roosters, but one day she just walked right in to the pen and grabbed hold of the jerk as he was coming at her. She carried him around ike a pet for a little while. Gave him the spa treatment where they get a bath, a foot cleaning and a health check, followed by some tasty snacks. All the roosters give her a wide berth now when she comes around.

My wife too. My parents had a really big rooster named Reggie. He was a di**. He came running over to my wife, jumped up and started flailing his spurs at her. She didn't even flinch. She thrust one arm straight out and grabbed that aggressive SOB by the neck in mid air, turned him around, pulled him in close and tucked him right under her arm, all in one swift motion. If we had it on tape it would be in one of those "Like A Boss" youtube videos. Just one more affirmation that I picked the right woman to marry on a list of a million other affirmations. ?
I bet you are careful not to pi** her off lol.


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Jun 30, 2018
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I dig chicks. With so much free time now, I figured I'll make some new ones. :)

We've had a flock of chickens for over 20 years at the ranch. All the free eggs we can eat. We also use them for jobs. Background animals for farm scenes, or in little Mexican villages are the most typical scenes. Here in Southern CA, we had an outbreak of Newcastle disease over a year ago and there has been a ban on all poultry movement since it started. We can't move our chickens off of our ranch, and we can't buy any new ones to replace the old ones that die off. Every few years, someone will give us some chicks, or we will occasionally even go buy some, but its been a few years since we've done that and our herd is getting on the small side. We've tried leaving the hens to sit on their own eggs, but that fails for a variety of reasons. My brother in law bought this incubator a couple of years ago and ended up not using it. I've collected some freshly laid eggs from our rooster's favorite hens, and we will see how it goes. The instructions say it takes 21 days. We put them in yesterday.
View attachment 290156
View attachment 290157

I keep the incubator wrapped up in towels for better insulation:
View attachment 290158
Looks like they are Arawana chickens...not spelling it correctly...those chickens have black skin? Anyhow...why can't you just buy more? Reread your comment...I see about the Newcastle...

Pistachio's Pamperer

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Sep 11, 2019
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Tri-cities, Tennessee
You better believe it! She's my hot blooded Italian FIRECRACKER! She's nice... until its time to NOT be nice...
Roadhouse.. LMAO.. Thanks I needed that.
And stop doing cool stuff. I soooo want chickens again and our property right now is not able. I can't wait until we leave this "land of enchantment" and go back to where I can be country again. Just like hubby said no turtles until we move. Ugh!
*sorta alive and -still- at work*


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Looks like they are Arawana chickens...not spelling it correctly...those chickens have black skin? Anyhow...why can't you just buy more? Reread your comment...I see about the Newcastle...
The black ones are called Ayam Cemani. I'm not sure our black females are purebreds though because they have red combs. The **** is one for sure.

We do have a few Araucanas in the flock. Now they have Ameraucana chickens, which confused me at first. I thought I had the wrong name all this time, but no, they made a new type and the name is similar.

I started reading up on all the different breeds last night. I know more than I thought I knew, but nowhere near enough.

If this quarantine ever lifts (The SoCal Newcastle bird quarantine, not C19...), I will definitely be trying out some other breeds, but in the mean time, it is fun trying to hatch some on my own. The whole family is into it and having fin.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Roadhouse.. LMAO.. Thanks I needed that.
And stop doing cool stuff. I soooo want chickens again and our property right now is not able. I can't wait until we leave this "land of enchantment" and go back to where I can be country again. Just like hubby said no turtles until we move. Ugh!
*sorta alive and -still- at work*
I can relate. I grew up in the big city. The concrete jungle. Man, I don't know how people live that way. I can never go back to that. I need space, land, freedom, animals, and dirt. Lots of dirt to do lots of stuff with.

Pistachio's Pamperer

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2019
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Tri-cities, Tennessee
My dad being the weirdo he was, I grew up with Tomaru(sp?) chickens. Then we also got into varieties of the ones you are dealing with. Blue and green eggs weren't common back then. We sold a -ton- around Easter.

But then again the hippies were also some of the first ppl importing goats, so we had pure blooded Nubians. Which are named after the African region part of their fore-goat-fathers came from but were actually cross mixed and "made" in England. And Toggenbergs from Switzerland.

I sooo wish I had paid more attention.
*tired and nostalgic*


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
My dad being the weirdo he was, I grew up with Tomaru(sp?) chickens. Then we also got into varieties of the ones you are dealing with. Blue and green eggs weren't common back then. We sold a -ton- around Easter.

But then again the hippies were also some of the first ppl importing goats, so we had pure blooded Nubians. Which are named after the African region part of their fore-goat-fathers came from but were actually cross mixed and "made" in England. And Toggenbergs from Switzerland.

I sooo wish I had paid more attention.
*tired and nostalgic*
The only animals I grew up with were asian cockroaches. Blatta orientalis. :p

My pets were the only animal contact I had until I started working in the pet shops. I had a box turtle and a couple of dogs when I was very little, and as a teenager I got to start keeping all sorts of reptiles and fish from work.

All kids should grow up with goats and chickens. And DIRT! Lots of dirt.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 30, 2018
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The only animals I grew up with were asian cockroaches. Blatta orientalis. :p

My pets were the only animal contact I had until I started working in the pet shops. I had a box turtle and a couple of dogs when I was very little, and as a teenager I got to start keeping all sorts of reptiles and fish from work.

All kids should grow up with goats and chickens. And DIRT! Lots of dirt.

I grew up in San Francisco...I never went camping until I was an adult...never had a yard...just this morning in fact...i dug around in my Sulcata poop spot and got some great fertilizer...hauled it over to the flowerbed I had weeded and prepared...I dumped the poop fertilizer into the dirt and shoveled it and stirred it and watered it...with my bare feet and bare hands...I am stinky and dirty but feel so fresh dirt without the poop yet smells really good to me...


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 30, 2018
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Richmond, VA
Years ago I saw a guy getting fuel and he had a truck bed full of foldable fencing and a rooster in a large dog cage. That rooster was all white like a leghorn and had to be over two foot tall. He apparently had a fun day being paid to breed!

Chubbs the tegu

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 9, 2019
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Years ago I saw a guy getting fuel and he had a truck bed full of foldable fencing and a rooster in a large dog cage. That rooster was all white like a leghorn and had to be over two foot tall. He apparently had a fun day being paid to breed!
Porn star!

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