cold weather question


New Member
Mar 15, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Clinton Iowa
are lose when the sun is not over there encloser but in there when the sun is over it, and im not sure about the infection it was in her eyes but it all clear now. they gave me some eye drops to help with it, it was very puffy and very white around it
What was the infection from?

Are they loose in the front yard and not in an enclosure?

Tortoises don't get lonely and miss their friends? Other tortoises are not seen as friends. They are seen as competitors and intruders to be driven away.

We are trying to help you avoid common pitfalls.


New Member
Mar 15, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Clinton Iowa
I hope we’ve not put you off the forum by recommending you house them separately, I promise it’s come from the kindest of places and us wanting everyone to have a positive keeping experience, we’ve seen many, too many sad results of housing two together like this, it can sometimes take a long time to happen, they’re hardy, but it does happen😞they’ll definitely be much happier in their own space, it’ll take them time to adjust but I promise you they will, things move slowly with tortoises❤️

They’re both gorgeous btw!🐢💚

You could brumate them over winter, but if you don’t feel comfortable doing that(plenty of people don’t) then adequately heated and lit indoor enclosures will be your best bet, hopefully this thread here will help you, it’ll be worth a read either way to double check all your indoor equipment and levels are correct🥰it can be so easy to have the wrong bulb types!

I hope to see you stick around! You’ll soon see why so many tortoise owners love this community here! We all genuinely care for each others tortoises🐢💚

Feel free to check out the brumation thread too if you’re interested!
Ill stick around