Concerning looking urates


New Member
Nov 23, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
I am looking for advice regarding my tortoise. She is an eight year old horsefield tortoise. Three months ago she went off her food. For three weeks I encouraged her to eat and I bathed her twice a day with reptoboost. When that didn't make any difference I knew something was wrong and I took her to the vet. We discovered that she had follicles that were squashing her liver and stomach. The vet decided that the best thing was to wait and put her on antibiotic injections as a precaution. A month later at our next check up it was confirmed that she was in follicular stasis. The next day she had surgery to remove the follicles. The surgery was a success but the vet discovered that her liver was looking angry. She had a feeding tube placed for food and medication, including liver support. Last week the tube flipped and the vet decided to remove it. She was doing okay and eating not too bad. She is not gaining a lot of weight but just about maintaining her weight. Before the tube was removed, a week ago, I noticed that her urates were not looking right. They were orangish, lumpy, and just horrible. I discussed this with the vet and she wasn't very concerned. She suggested stopping the strong painkillers and starting shallow baths to help her clear her system. An x-ray was done to make sure there was no excess debris in the bladder but everything looked okay. Today her demeanor changed and she wasn't keen on food. I gave her a wee bath and she passed urates that are looking very concerning. I am taking her to the vet on Tuesday and dropping off a sample of the urates tomorrow. I am worried and panicking. I would appreciate if someone could advise me on what this could mean. Is she developing liver disease, or is it an infection? Or is she just clearing her system and I am being dramatic? What is going on?
Also, the urates did have a green yuck around it, that mostly dissolved in water. The main chunk was grey/green and once I opened it up there was reddish stuff that was a bit gritty. Thank you!!



Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Sorry you’re going through this! Hopefully the folks tagged above will be able to help you here!

In the meantime I don’t suppose you’d mind sharing some more information on how they are kept? It’ll help the folks advising you!

What are your temps like? Ie basking spot(directly under the bulb) over all day temps& night temps?
What kind of lighting&heating are you using specifically? Packaging pics are good if you have any
Do you use indoor uv? If so what kind?
How’s your humidity reading? What do you use for substrate?
What sized set up does she have?

A photo of your full set up would be good, along with one of your tort🐢💚


New Member
Nov 23, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Maybe @Yvonne G or @zovick can help you! Sorry to hear you are going through this.

Was the bladder also xrayed?
Yes, they did a full, x-ray. Everything looked normal. No excess gass in the intestines or stomach and no deposits visible in the bladder at this point. The vet called me back after I dropped off the sample and tomorrow they will sedate her and take bloods.

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