Damaged Shell or rot? I don't know

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Hi, I have a box turtle from previous owner who brought him from the wild. His name is Mike!! I don't know where he was or anything like that so decided to try and take care of him.

His overall life:
He's been eating earth worms, mealworms, green & dark lettuce, strawberries. I just started to feed him green beans too, and just got him zilla box turtle food as a supplement. He used to be picky but he'll mostly try anything now. He has a UVB heat lamp and his containment is 80-85 degrees in the daytime, and at night there's no heat source so that could be an issue, I think it stays around 70. Humidity is almost always around 50% which is similar to the climate around here. I have been letting him stay in his water very often, and I don't think I've cleaned it enough, once every few days and when he poops in it. If he isn't in his water, he's almost always dug himself in his moist soil. (For many hours a day) He stays in the dirt so much I pointed the heat lamp closer to the dirt, warming him up while in it and encouraging him to find shade elsewhere.

He had some chips on his shell when he was found and apparently had them ever since he was found in the wild. He was apparently super dried out and with a really similar shell to what he has now. Looks like he's kinda old. Anyway I'm not sure if this is a cause for concern but his chips seem to be getting a little bit worse. I think he has some shell rot because I haven't cleaned his stuff enough. I might be wrong I don't know. I'm also trying to convert most of his substrate into dirt instead of rocks. Here are all recent pictures of him. I don't have any old pics.

Thanks for any help!!!!!
Oh man! He's a beauty!!!! In my opinion he's a very old eastern box turtle. So old that he's worn off all the shell pattern. I'd be willing to bet that the plastron has a lot of very dark coloration. If so, NOT a three toe.

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