dry tortoise shell?


Jun 8, 2024
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@Yingg .... I am so sorry to have not explained the type to get in my earlier post. That is a "Refined" oil, you need "Unrefined and Expeller Pressed" oil. That brand does make this oil but am not sure if it's sold in major brand stores. Again I am so sorry for not explaining this previously. It says a lot that you went out and bought some, Kudos to you.
Refined and Cold Pressed remove some of the Key components needed to "Hydrate" Keratin. I'm guessing that they may still have some effects but not sure how effective they are. Coconut oil fats are comprised of about 50% Lauric acid, the highest of any oils. The next best would be Jojoba oil, not to sure on "What" the exacts are like being Unrefined, since I solely use Coconut oil.
oh, hello, sorry for mentioning again. someone told that coconut oil isn't "natural" and wouldn't appear in the wild. that and it clogs the pores on a tortoise's shell which is difficult to clean. if this is true, how can i avoid the pore clogging part? i don't mind if it's not "something natural", as long as my tortoise gets better :) in a way, i suppose antibiotics are very much not natural, as are supplements. yet we still use them and they help, so natural or not shouldn't pose too much of an issue in this case XD

Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2023
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oh, hello, sorry for mentioning again. someone told that coconut oil isn't "natural" and wouldn't appear in the wild. that and it clogs the pores on a tortoise's shell which is difficult to clean. if this is true, how can i avoid the pore clogging part? i don't mind if it's not "something natural", as long as my tortoise gets better :) in a way, i suppose antibiotics are very much not natural, as are supplements. yet we still use them and they help, so natural or not shouldn't pose too much of an issue in this case XD
Tortoises don't breath or excrete anything through their shells. There is a risk of "trapping" anaerobic bacteria (those, who live without an oxygen) under the layer of oil. In case of bacterial shell root this will cause a trouble, but not for a healthy tortoise. As of cleaning - you apply it once in two weeks, not everyday, and remove all excesses.

Comparing living in the wild to captivity is, actually, "apples to oranges". No matter how much we try - there is no way to create Sahel desert or Chaco forest in the backyard. Following this logic we should ditch any "non-native" foods from their diet.


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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
oh, hello, sorry for mentioning again. someone told that coconut oil isn't "natural" and wouldn't appear in the wild. that and it clogs the pores on a tortoise's shell which is difficult to clean. if this is true, how can i avoid the pore clogging part? i don't mind if it's not "something natural", as long as my tortoise gets better :) in a way, i suppose antibiotics are very much not natural, as are supplements. yet we still use them and they help, so natural or not shouldn't pose too much of an issue in this case XD
Lauric acid makes up 50% of the fats in coconut oil, Lauric acid MAKES the Keratin ABSORB the oil. If you wipe the shell down 30-45 minutes after applying the shell will not PLUG UP. Keratin is what your nails are made of, your hair is made of and there is a ton of info on Keratin Repair. Coconut oil is used to Hydrate the shell and not PLUG it. Use any other oil and you WILL plug the shell with oil.


Jun 8, 2024
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Lauric acid makes up 50% of the fats in coconut oil, Lauric acid MAKES the Keratin ABSORB the oil. If you wipe the shell down 30-45 minutes after applying the shell will not PLUG UP. Keratin is what your nails are made of, your hair is made of and there is a ton of info on Keratin Repair. Coconut oil is used to Hydrate the shell and not PLUG it. Use any other oil and you WILL plug the shell with oil.
thank you. i'll tell them this. to be honest i trust you more than what they say. but i think theyll argue. honestly, shutting up might be a better idea. haha. thank you for the knowledge, i learned lots. even if my tortoise doesn't make it because of improper husbandry in the past (which is all my fault, i have no excuses.) if i ever come across another i will take care of it much better. this forum is amazing.