DT Bored - Wants to Play


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5 Year Member
Oct 6, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Tucson, AZ
Lately, Pebble has been trying to climb the fence and almost running around the yard like a toddler on sugar. I've seen youtube videos of tots playing with balls so I put one in the yard - nope, he just bashes into it and keeps on going. Our new recue dog has taken quite a fascination with Pebble, and now vice versa since the dog got into the tortoise yard and introduced himself. Pebble knows where the gate is, even though I moved it this season due to a tree growing at the old entrance. He was trying to push his way through my feet to get to the other yard to play with the dog, or so it seems. Another "weird" behavior: it's like he knows which part of the wall my bedroom is, and I shall not sleep in, even when there is still food in the dish, cactus fruit left, water - he needs attention!!! He will start banging on the brick wall. I can't take anything but action shots - he loves the camera, but won't hold still!

Leonardo, the box turtle - his childhood buddy, will still play with him until he has to hide somewhere. They chase each other around the yard at, well, high rates of speed. He was unavailable for comment after the last cactus fruit massacre. :D

Any suggestions?

Yvonne G

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Tortoises don't play. The tortoise is trying to escape for a reason and it's up to you to figure it out...hungry? looking for a female? space too small? dog is something to chase out of his territory?

One clue in your post leads me to believe he has been out before, and now he just wants out. Once you allow a tortoise to know there's a whole other world outside the walls of his yard they're not happy staying inside anymore.


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Agree with above. Also, dogs and tortoises do not play, like you are thinking, the tort will become a chew toy for your dog. Always keep them seperate. Also the DT is not playing with the Boxie. They are showing dominance and should not be together.


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Oct 6, 2010
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Tucson, AZ
Ah-ha! That confirmed a few things for me, thank you. I will put Lenny into another yard, or perhaps expand the current yard for Pebble. He has only been in one other yard that was 8'x8', and this yard is 15-20'x70'. I didn't think the head-bobbing was an friendly greeting gesture. The dog was an accident - we never let the dogs near the shellers or any of the other animals, and the other dogs know better. Now, the female - who has one "of-age?"


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]Ah-ha! That confirmed a few things for me, thank you. I will put Lenny into another yard, or perhaps expand the current yard for Pebble. He has only been in one other yard that was 8'x8', and this yard is 15-20'x70'. I didn't think the head-bobbing was an friendly greeting gesture. The dog was an accident - we never let the dogs near the shellers or any of the other animals, and the other dogs know better. Now, the female - who has one "of-age?"[/QUOTE]

Breeding should not be permitted with the forced captive of this species...I actually believe at one time it was prohibited and was a huge reason your state only allows one adopted to each household there...also, why would you want to encourage procreation of a species that can not be released into the wild? Also, the male tort will survive his fits until they subside...where by chance did you acquire him from..that may also play a roll in some of his behaviors?


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5 Year Member
Oct 6, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Tucson, AZ
Good point. I wasn't really thinking, just figured "our little boy has grown up." Couldn't we adopt the hatchlings out? I suppose I should visit this site more often. I guess I've been taking for granted how easy it is to keep a DT. Just food and water, and the hardest part is getting the natural diet plants to grow. I should probably get him into my friend (vet) for a check up before winter - it's been a while...

We rescued him and Lenny from a 10 gallon tank in someone's house that couldn't take care of them anymore. I was told Pebble was found in an alley in the city when he was about half-dollar size. They have been together ever since and the couple times they have been separated both seemed lonely. Lenny hibernates with Pebble, coming out sometimes to eat. We keep them inside in a kiddy pool in the coldest room in the house, and they "park" next to each other in a wood box I built. I had to build a bigger box last season, since Pebble outgrew the previous box. I left the smaller box in there in case Lenny wanted his own - nope, gotta be with Pebble.

Pebble has been destructive, tearing down the mesquite branches I stacked and wove to camouflage and cover the hide. I caught him "jumping" off the top a few minutes ago and then he climbed up to do it again. He saw me and whistled like he usually does, and acted like nothing happened. He wasn't being aggressive towards Lenny this morning, and Lenny seems upset that I moved him.

I'm sorry if my "personification" of these animals annoys anybody. I have been trying to have the least interference possible. It seems as though someone held Pebble and spoiled him like a regular lap pet. He never really had a fear of anything - different than the behavior of any DT's that have camped in my yards. He had pyramiding from a poor diet. This bratty behavior is new - never had issues until the past couple of days.