Dum blonde

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Maggie Cummings

Some times I am seriously blonde and wonder how in the heck did I get to be this old as stupid as I can be on occasion. About 3 weeks ago I got a certificate from the Turtle Survival Alliance thanking me for my "generous donation". A donation was made in my name and I am now sponsoring McCord's Box Turtle an endangered species. So I asked everybody I knew who made that donation and none of my family or friends did that. So now time passes and I put all the paperwork and my certificate away and stop thinking about it.
I have been watching the mail for my Secret Santa present...and bitching about it to anyone who will listen and I never did put 2 and 2 together...missing SS...anonymous donation...can ya put it together now???
Thank you to my Secret Santa, I won't tell who it is without permission...but thanks so much, for us turtle people that was a great gift and I'm sorry I was so dum it took 3 weeks to figure it all out. If the truth be known, I never did figure it out, my SS confessed in an email to me...
Merry Christmas to all...


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Jan 17, 2010
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That is funny. I was thinking about making up a fake certificate to send to my SS before the real gift went out. But it would have to be something funny like a "Thank you for joining PETA" To an anti PETA person Or "Thank you for your large donation to the NRA" to a anti gun person. I don't know, but I had a picture in my head of someone opening it and yelling "NOOOOOO! and now I am on their freaking mailing list" I guess things are funnier in my head than the real world
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