"Endangered Burmese star tortoise hatched at Toronto Zoo"


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May 3, 2014
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Oct 14, 2008
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Mobile, Alabama
I know it is difficult to understand the use of rules about imports and exports. I have often been so frustrated that I am unable to get needed new bloodlines from Europe I could scream, but I understand the need for them.

The need for import/export regulations is needed now more than ever. The network of poachers grows in sophistication, the hobby demand for animals, the demand for cheap food, the demand for exotic food: all have a crushing effect on the wild animal population.

Yet we need some kind of distributions system that allows for .... well here I am being selfish... animals to get to keepers who can contribute to animal stabilization in captivity. But who can make fare assessments?

Can laws keep China from importing thousands and thousands of poached American and Canadian turtles for their dinner table? Do we allow a small number of animals imported into the US for exotic meat diners who crave the unusual and rare (and these people exist). Do we allow Petco and Petsmart to buy endanger turtles from jobbers who have bought them from illegal importers? Do we allow keepers like me who have the very last stock of an animal and without new additions the geckos will disappear from the USA forever?

It's hard to be fair, reasonable and still protect the animals. It's an impossible situation. It's only going to get worse.

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