Feeding Time?

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10 Year Member!
May 9, 2012
Hey all,

Mr. Tibbs is doing great! I have been feeding him organic grape leaves, sprinkled with repcal every other day, about the size of his shell. My question is, should I be feeding him in the morning? I have been feeding him when I get home from work, and then right away, he goes to the hide house and sleeps after eating. Is that normal? Shouldn't he be basking to raise up his metabolism?


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Tortoises will usually adapt their feeding pattern to their owner's schedule (within reason). Most tortoises come out in the morning shortly after the sun comes up to bask and warm up to activity level temperatures. It's shortly after this they will usually forage for food until the temperatures become too hot when they will usually then retreat to cooler, shaded resting areas. Quite often, some tortoises will come back out in the early evening not long before the sun goes down to forage for food again. This second foraging depends greatly upon ambient temperatures at the time. Usually the later day feeding is not as "intense" or thorough as the forage earlier in the day. For that reason I've always thought that it makes more sense to feed them in the morning because it is more in tune with their natural routine.
If feeding at night is the only option then it should be done as early as possible to allow the tortoise activity time afterwards. One of the issues that feeding at night often creates is exactly what you mention-that the tortoise goes into hiding immediately after eating. This takes place probably because the tortoises senses night time coming on and instinctively finds shelter. It probably isn't doing any real harm, but by doing so the tortoise is cooling off for the night which probably isn't the most efficient mode for it's digestive process.


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I agree with GB....am feedings seem to be the most popular....and allows the tort the time to bask and digest the goods.... :D That is if at all possible on your part...


10 Year Member!
May 9, 2012
I can feed it in the morning. No problem. I just like to get home from work around 5PM and hand feed Mr. Tibbs. I turn the MVB on at 6:30AM and off at around 7-8PM. I feed about 1/3 of a grape leaf shredded into bits. I guess I can just leave the food out in the morning. He is usually hiding in the hide house when I get home. Yesterday he was waiting for me because I got home late. Just standing there. Waiting.


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10 Year Member!
Feb 27, 2009
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The Catskill Mountains of New York State
"Yesterday he was waiting for me because I got home late. Just standing there. Waiting."

That is one of the problematic issues with getting a tortoise hooked on hand feeding. They're much better off being fed "on the ground" rather than hand feeding them. There is no harm in occasionally hand feeding a tortoise a peice of food, kids love to do it. But doing so on a regular basis creates a strong association for the tortoise in terms of where it's food comes from. That's all fine until you go aways for a few days or your schedule changes. I have a male Russian tortoise here that I got from someone who kept him indoors year round (no chance to forage outdoors) and constantly hand fed him. It took over two weeks for him to finally begin eating like a normal tortoise should. I would place food in his enclosure and he would run by the food dish, usually right through it, to get to my empty hand instead. When I would withdraw my hand he would just sit there looking upward waiting for it to come back.


10 Year Member!
May 9, 2012
Ok, makes sense to me. I will wake up early tomorrow and feed Mr. Tibbs in the morning. I will still soak him when I get home in the evening.

Terry Allan Hall

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I feed my 4 both in the morning (their "serious" meal) and then again a couple hours before sundown (hand fed treats)...they've quickly learned the difference, so in the morning they'll be waiting by their "dinner rock" (S end of enclosure) and in the evening they'll collect close to where I sit to interact w/ them (N end) by the time I get out there. :cool:
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