Found baby tortoises in my backyard


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5 Year Member
Jan 11, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
pasadena, ca
Hi all! I have four hermann tortoises that live in my backyard in Los Angeles. Being a single mom to a human baby, I honestly let them take care of themselves. They munch on plants and brumate during the mild winters. There's no enclosure and I don't even provide a water dish (it just evaporates immediately during the summer). Apparently they're doing so well they somehow were able to hatch babies. I didn't think it was possible bc the conditions are far less than ideal (no humidity, no water source, temps all over the place, birds/lizards galore). But now that I see the babies, what should I do? I don't really have time to set up and maintain an enclosure for them. Even then I remember it being hard to keep them alive and thriving. But if I leave them to Mother Nature, do they have a chance? I'm amazed they're alive even now but maybe that means they're tough and will make it? 🤞🏻

Ps. The carapace is less than 2" long. Any idea how old they are? I've never even seen the eggs to know when they hatched


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How sad that you can't at least find time to give them water. Maybe you can consider rehoming them.
Yes, they are tuff little buggers but sadly they are surviving and not thriving.
With having mixed sexes, you will have babies. They don't have a choice when it comes to having eggs or not.
Please except EppsDynasty offer to take them if my guess is correct on the PM they sent. Your tortoises need better care and they will give it.