Growing Question

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5 Year Member
Dec 12, 2011
I don't have a tortoise yet but I hope to in the next couple of months. It'll be a Russian.

Anyway... in researching foods, I think it'd be fun to have my 8 and 10 year old daughters grow plants for the RT to eat. So if I get chia and dandelion seeds, how long in advance should I start growing them before getting the tortoise?

Other question... I live in Northern Utah so there's not a ton of sun in the winter. What kind of lighting is required to grow those inside? Can the tortoise's UVB light grow them? Lastly, if I get brave and go for the Zabrina (Malva Sylvestris), do I have to pollinate them if grown indoors?

Sorry, lots and lots of questions.

Yvonne G

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If you buy the Russian tortoise seed mixture (or even the Mediterranean mixture) from, the seeds sprout almost instantly. Within a week of planting and watering you will have little plantlets.

"As a single light source for plants, incandescent light bulbs are not particularly good. They are a good source of red rays but a poor source of blue. They produce too much heat for most plants and, if used, must be located some distance from the plants, thus reducing the intensity of the light the plants receive. They are also about one-third as efficient as fluorescent tubes in converting electrical energy to light. Furthermore, a standard incandescent bulb's life is often only about 1,000 hours, whereas a fluorescent tube's life is normally 10,000 hours or more.

Fluorescent tubes provide one of the best artificial light sources available for plants in the home. Other light sources such as sodium-vapor and metal halide lamps may be used but are not as readily available or adaptable for home use.

Fluorescent tubes are made in many sizes and shapes: circular, U-shaped, square or straight. Straight tubes in 2-, 4- or 8-foot lengths are used most frequently."


New Member
5 Year Member
Nov 30, 2011
Ive started growing food for my Russian recently. I dont know what its like in the US but here in the UK there are tortoise feed growing kits on Amazon, so I bought one of those. It has loads of the edibles.that torts eat. I planted mine a.week ago today and I've got loads of seedings sprouting already so I reckon another week and a half/ two weeks I should have nom for Om.
As for sunlight, here in the UK it's pretty awful this time of year but I've left mine on a windowsill and watered it every day and it seems fine. I think weeds are just pretty happy with what they get!


New Member
5 Year Member
Aug 9, 2011
hi and welcome, i live in payson utah and im using my first uvb bulb to grow my dandylions. i recently replanted them in a biger container and they seem to be doing great. i also ordered some of the russian seed mix and i havent tried that in the house yet but i threw some outside in there inclousure and hope it will grow in the spring. if you would like to come see my set up your welcome to


5 Year Member
Dec 12, 2011
I'd love to Judy! If I ever get down your way I'll let you know. Has anyone ever tried freezing dandelions? I think I'll wait to grow this stuff for when I actually have a tortoise. I'd hate for it to go bad before I get one. I'm just anxious to do something toward getting ready.
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