Hello From Me and Speedy!

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The Speedmister

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Feb 19, 2011
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Hi, :tort:

I am a new member. I currently own one four year old Russian Tortoise called Speedy. He is adorable, loves social interaction and is very cuddly too. I think he is a boy because his plastron curves in, his tail is long and thin, he has a large spur on his tail, and because the opening is more of a line than a female-common asterix. Does he sound like a little boy? He is so sweet and unique, because he has a slightly protruding bottom lip. We asked the Tortoise Shop, where we got him, and they said that it is fine - in fact, tortoises consider it to be attractive! He doesn't hibernate, so only eats five times a week. It's harsh when he runs up to you, with shining eyes, on a non-food day!

I love animals, and have the most beautiful Russian Dwarf Hamster called Piccolo, Triops, 6 hibernating Helix Aspersa and three Achatina Albopictas (a type of Giant African Land Snail) called Lottie, Mollie and ALbert. I adore cats too. My hobbies are gardening, cooking, music and, of course, animal caring. I am in the UK.

Please reply - especially fellow Horsefield owners!


Yvonne G

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Hi Speedmister:

What a nice introduction! You've given us everything except your own name! :p

Welcome to the forum.

Maggie Cummings

You can feed Speedy everyday. I think you have read some information that is seriously outdated...I operate a small turtle and tortoise rescue and I feed all my animals daily...So please be nice and feed Speedy every day. It won't hurt him at all. He wants to eat daily just like you and I want to eat every day and it is totally alright to feed all turtles and tortoises daily...

The Speedmister

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Feb 19, 2011
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Thanks everyone! I would love to feed Speedy daily, but the Tortoise Shop told us that we, if not hibernating him, had to feed him five times week. This is because that in the wild, he would hibernate at his age for 16 weeks - therefore not eat at all for a decent amount of the year. Seeing we are not hibernating him, if we feed him every day, he will, apparently, intake too much food and maybe grow unusual shell growths. I have heard lots of awful stories of people whose tortoises' shells grew too much, weighed downed and squashed their insides and died very young. Hence, I only feed my little Speedy 5 times a week! Do you think it is okay, because the Tortoise Shop is very professional, and he is a bundle of energy (we bathe him daily)?

Yvonne G

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Who has more credibility: The person who is in the business to make money off of selling, or the person who actually raises and keeps the tortoises to grow from baby to adult as a treasured member of the household?

(I'm trying to make a point, Tyler. No comment is necessary)

Quite a few of us don't allow our tortoises to hibernate. We keep them in the house under lights with heat, to simulate a summer time environment for the tortoises. They don't know they are supposed to be hibernating. Why would I feed him less when as far as he's concerned, he's living in the summertime, in the land of plenty.

Poor/uneven/pyramided shell growth comes from other things besides too much food during the winter. In fact, I've never heard that argument before and I've kept turtles and tortoises for over 35 years.


The Dog Trainer
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Hello and welcome. I agree. Feed him an appropriate amount daily. If you ever decide to hibernate him, then it will be a different story. Also, did your shop tell you to get him out in the sun as much as you can when weather permits? Its really good for them and really helps with proper calcium assimilation and shell development.


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emysemys said:
Who has more credibility: The person who is in the business to make money off of selling, or the person who actually raises and keeps the tortoises to grow from baby to adult as a treasured member of the household?

(I'm trying to make a point, Tyler. No comment is necessary)

What does any of this have to do with me? Are you suggesting that I don't treat my animals like a member of the household because I am able to sell them and make a few bucks? I'd put any of my animals up against anyone elses in any category, whether it's health, personality or looks. They live like kings here. You don't need to ask me beforehand not to make a comment by bringing my name up. I can't possibly keep up with all the silly things that are said in a forum this size.

For future reference, you shouldn't bring me into a thread where you are suggesting that retailers are lacking in credibility, or aren't treating their animals as well as a pet owner would.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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Hello and welcome I have owned russians (3) now for over 10 years and mine get fed everyday, but I do hibernate mine.
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